My old man Duke has been what's referred to as PUPD [polyuric/polydipsic] which is medical terminology for excessively urinating and excessively thirsty. Been going on for about 2 weeks. I took him to work tonight for some labwork, results Thursday.
The symptoms can be due to a variety of reasons, they're very non-specific. He's not eating excessively, so that kind of rules out diabetes. He has no weight loss or gain, he's maintaining. One of my concerns is early kidney disease/failure caused by one of his pain medications. It could be a tumor also. If his labwork comes back normal then we take x-rays. He's had several throughout the years, so we'll get to compare.
Even though I'm not closely bonded with my dog I still love him very much. These concerns are coming at a terrible time for me. I'm stressed with buying a house, fixing it up, the holidays without my gram [she passed 7 months ago], work, etc.
I'm a mess right now and it hurts so much.