So this past week has been so busy for me. Mostly with work. We're shorthanded 2 technicians and are hiring more, but for now it's me and the head tech. I worked 2 doubles Thurs and Fri [8-7] and Sat 8-1.
My toys came in the mail! I'm happy with them, but haven't used them yet. Since working so much it's preoccupied me from sex. I actually have a few days off this week so maybe then.
Adventures in vet tech land: I was holding an obese cat for the dr so she could trim some hair around its privates (shaved pussy 😂😑) because the cat is too fat to groom herself and was all irritated. It's a mean cat, I have her muzzled with a towel over her. She kept kicking the shit out of me. Now, I had 3 other people who could have helped but another dr was using every single one of them, as she usually does. It was closing time so we just went with it. I didn't really sustain any injury until the very end when kitty flipped her shit. And the result, which is much improved from yesterday when it happened.