I would appreciate advice, as this is not something appropriate for the book of faces, I'm asking here (I'd post a new thread in the proper group, but idk if mods would lock it or not)...anyways...
I've always been into BDSM to some degree, but for the last several months I've been getting more and more into it. I fianlly mustered the courage to tell my SO I wanted spankings, hard ones, and he complied. I had nice bruises 😀, but he felt guilty and I think a little like he abused me. He was also a little put off by how much I liked it at how hard he hit me. So, needless to say, asking him for other things may be out of the question. How do I approach him? And also, I feel like I'm stuck if he tells me he's not comfortable, which I am absolutely fine with, but I have these needs that won't go away. I try some BDSM things with myself and it's just not the same. I'm horny all the time. If I'm not occupying my time with something else then it's all I think about.
A little background, my SO is 10 yrs older than me, he's 44, so I understand his libido is different than mine. Over the last few years, my sexual appetite has been increasing while his decreases. We have sex about twice a year, sometimes 3 or 4 times if it's a really good year 🙄. Our longest dry spell was 2 years, and it was terrible. I've never cheated, nor do I want to. I do flirt quite a bit with a friend of mine, which helps and hinders my need for more BDSM.
How do I talk to my SO about my needs? If he doesn't want to do any of it, how do I fulfill my needs without cheating? Any suggestions are appreciated loves!