Some of these are the same as a previous questionnaire, but hey, I'm bored.

1. Do you like blue cheese? Love it.

2. Have you ever smoked? Yes. Started when I was 12, quit at 23.

3. Do you own a gun? Nope.

4. What is your favorite flavor? Coffee.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor visits? Not particularly.

6. What do you think...
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Ireland is so wonderful
@dhyani hmm, I don't think I've posted pics of my slippers 🤔. Also, I can't sing, I'm terrible, so I only sing in the car when the volume is too loud and I can't hear myself. I only wear jeans and pajama pants, most of which have pockets. I'm not a dress girl, I feel weird. PS thanks for the hugs, I need them. If you're ever in Chitown let me know!

What the fuck is a 'premium' snapchat? I understand you get paid and in return are expected to show more skin. Is that really all it is? From what I see girls charge anywhere from $10 to $30 one time and people have 'lifetime access' to their premium snaps. I guess I just don't really see the point in a broader context. Enlighten me folks.

It's about money. The girls knows guys will pay for it, and they are willing to exploit that for the money. Not everyone will do anything for a Klondike bar. But a lot of people will do quite a lot for money. :)
Seems like it could get very expensive fast and for what really??
As far as I can see there is nothing wrong with you, you are a kind and caring person and sometimes the nice guy/girl finishes last.  I just had my heart ripped out after 10 years...I gave 150 % but obviously that wasn't good enough
I have been asking myself the same question for the last few hours

So as I have been doing the past few weekends, I go to the comic book store and peruse, pick up some graphic novels, marvel at all the nerdery. I'm checking out the Funko Pops when some guy comes up to me and comments on the Mexican sugar skull tattoo I have. Then he exclaims on how cool my NIN tshirt is. Then he sees...
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I agree, you lay out those expectations any partner would understand
@cvtgrrl_shan you shouldn’t have kissed him at all. I feel bad you did something you didnt want to. You guys just met, you don’t owe him anything, No tight spaces for the time being. If he continues to be hands, that’s an issue. He should focus on chatting you up and getting to know one another. I’m old fashion sometimes lol

Stole this from @nebula, pretty unique and random questions. Made me have to use my noggin.

1) What color is your toothbrush? White with purple rubber grips

2) What color is your superhero outfit? Purple, black, and silver

3) What color is your current mode of transportation? Charcoal grey

4) What color are your eyes? Blue-green

5) Favorite food that's not pizza? Sushi

6) Favorite...
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I think you are fare cooler then that, and I love those cheeses
Thanks!!!  I always enjoy reading these kinds of things.  The weirdest food question will be interesting to keep track of if this set of questions catches on.
@tshds323 asked me to do this, so why not...
1. Do you like bleu cheese? I love it, by itself, melted on a burger, in a salad. It's delicious.
2. Coke or Pepsi? Neither, but when I did drink pop I preferred Pepsi.
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? None, I don't drink it, but as a kid my favorite...
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The Breakfast Club... so good and such great music
Thanks! I love when people do these things.  There's always a tidbit or two about the person that I enjoy learning.  I'm a bleu cheese fan as well.  Blue Kool-Aid . . . don't remember that one.  Maybe my memory blocked it out.

Well, this is a coincidental topic right now, and I'm honestly pretty angry about it.

I reach out to my boyfriemd, but right now he has his own issues with his sick mom, work, etc. He uses his therapist to help him and that's it, he handles everything between them. So, to not add further burden to him I'm not bothering him much. Not to...
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I know the feeling, I’ll tell my friends about my problems and they kind of brush it off. Like why did I open up to you in the first place? It makes me feel like I’m not wanted at all.
Many friends say that but as you can tell don’t really mean it if it requires time and energy. While not ideal. Social media friends can often give you the support needed to help you through the dark days. I have found depression support groups helpful too, knowing you are not alone. Lastly is the Buddhist principle of impermanence, the dark days will pass, and the sun will shine again.

I didn't think I would ever leave this place, but I am. My membership is up in a few months and I won't be renewing. I love this place but it's no longer a fit for me. I rarely posted pics when I was with my ex, out of respect, even though my relationship was circling the drain. The main reason I did post is...
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I'll miss you, and have sure enjoyed reading your posts.
I am actually going to leave as well in 4 months. Seeing all these beautiful women, and hearing sexy stories, I spend my days in an uncomfortable state of frustration!

At your SO and wondered, 'how did I get so damn lucky?' Then think 'oh shit, they are so fucking sexy, I better step up my game lest I lose them'. Me. That's me. My boyfriend sent me a selfie yesterday, which he usually doesn't, and he looked SO DAMN HOT and I got all warm and fuzzy. Then my immediate thought following was pure...
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There are always other people (who are always also imperfect) out there.  For reasons which you you may or may not understand, and which likely go far beyond the physical imperfections you mentioned, he has chosen you.   Overthinking can be a great path to self doubt and sadness. Sure, if you want to do things, physical or otherwise, to improve yourself, go for it.  But, don't do those things out of fear.  Have the courage to see that he is drawn to you for the positives you already have.  If you want to do something to improve yourself, do it as a gift, as a celebration.  Then, it really is an improvement regardless of the other person.  If you're just doing it as a sort of "insurance" you're doing it for the wrong motivation and it will make you focus on insecurities that probably don't even matter.
We always, ALWAYS, focus on our own shortcomings, real or perceived. (Unless you're an arrogant prick, that is.)  I firmly believe that I married way better than I deserve. I just dont tell her that, because she might believe it. 😉