What good is a journal if you can't do some self loathing....
Work sucks and then you die. Words to live by. Another day goes by where I am amazed that I'm not fired. Good news though, I found a roommate to split the rent. I still have to find that apartment though. Got one scoped out, a nice two bedroom, one and a half bathroom job in Robbinsdale, cheap rent, heat paid. Good deal.
I decided last minute to take another trip up north this weekend. Took friday off of work and plan to spend the weekend catching up with a good friend. This time though I have to face the four hour drive alone, which will suck...but I'll pack a crapload of CD's to make the time more bareable.
Heard NeoDrunk had his surgery today...I'm drinking a few more for him tonight in his honor. It's odd, I've never even met the guy but he's always checking up on my journal and putting up replys even when nobody else does. this one's for you.
Speaking of the SGTC...good bunch there. I really feel like a cheated myself out of some good times this summer by not showing up to more events. Everyone I met at the party was great, everyone made me feel welcome, even if I was a total stranger. That's SG for you...some people don't get that.
What else...oh yeah. Well i'm still single. No big suprise there. I'm such a wuss. I have no social skills whatsoever anymore it's amazing I can function in an office. I totally thought I would be happy being single, but that didn't work out at all. Not entireley. I'm kinda happy, but it's hard to shake that feeling that going to bed alone is so cold. That watching a movie by yourself is wrong, that someone should be there to share that blanket. Oh well. That's life. It shouldn't be. I should have some nuts somewhere, can't remember where I put them though. It's amazing what you lose when you move. I need to get good and drunk...a whole tear in my beer evening...feel sorry for myself on a level only alcohol can bring you too. Maybe this weekend. Life sucks and then you die. If anyone's looking for a date with a crapload of money to throw around and the need to drink heavily...drop me a message.
Well...pity party over for tonight. time heals all wounds...it's the waiting that sucks.
Work sucks and then you die. Words to live by. Another day goes by where I am amazed that I'm not fired. Good news though, I found a roommate to split the rent. I still have to find that apartment though. Got one scoped out, a nice two bedroom, one and a half bathroom job in Robbinsdale, cheap rent, heat paid. Good deal.
I decided last minute to take another trip up north this weekend. Took friday off of work and plan to spend the weekend catching up with a good friend. This time though I have to face the four hour drive alone, which will suck...but I'll pack a crapload of CD's to make the time more bareable.
Heard NeoDrunk had his surgery today...I'm drinking a few more for him tonight in his honor. It's odd, I've never even met the guy but he's always checking up on my journal and putting up replys even when nobody else does. this one's for you.
Speaking of the SGTC...good bunch there. I really feel like a cheated myself out of some good times this summer by not showing up to more events. Everyone I met at the party was great, everyone made me feel welcome, even if I was a total stranger. That's SG for you...some people don't get that.
What else...oh yeah. Well i'm still single. No big suprise there. I'm such a wuss. I have no social skills whatsoever anymore it's amazing I can function in an office. I totally thought I would be happy being single, but that didn't work out at all. Not entireley. I'm kinda happy, but it's hard to shake that feeling that going to bed alone is so cold. That watching a movie by yourself is wrong, that someone should be there to share that blanket. Oh well. That's life. It shouldn't be. I should have some nuts somewhere, can't remember where I put them though. It's amazing what you lose when you move. I need to get good and drunk...a whole tear in my beer evening...feel sorry for myself on a level only alcohol can bring you too. Maybe this weekend. Life sucks and then you die. If anyone's looking for a date with a crapload of money to throw around and the need to drink heavily...drop me a message.
Well...pity party over for tonight. time heals all wounds...it's the waiting that sucks.

hey, babe. yes, you should've come out to more stuff this summer, but too late now..how 'bout joining us for some breakfast on a saturday morning? happens weekly, you know.
i enjoyed meeting you at alaska's party..come hang out again.