With the first signs of winter upon us I realize that it is time to get moving. It's my tuesday off this week and I have too much to do. I should really balance my checkbook to see exactly what I can spaare too put down for an apartment. Then I should start actually calling some places to get prices and such. I also agreed to help my sister change her brakes and help her with an oil change. I'm such a nice brother.
I really have to start getting my stuff ready for moving again. I can't believe how much of a slob I can be. My room looks like a toxic waste dump at the moment. I have about 5 loads of laundry to do, my floor is covered in garbage and wood shavings from when I got into a wood carving mood this summer, and god knows how many empty coke cans are under my bed.
Have you ever moved really fast? One of those times where you procrastinate until about the last week and then you throw anything and everything into random boxes. Like I found my suit in a box with my frying pan. You don't pay attention and then when you try and find something again you're totally lost, which sucks, because then you start wondering if you forgot it somewhere. That's why I need an apartment, so I can start cataloging my stuff to see what I really have. I have a few boxes I'm scared to open....I have no idea what's in them; and since I haven't needed them for five months now I wonder why I took them with me in the first place. Oh well. Add cleaning and low-budget detective work to the list.
Besides finding myself some basic shelter, and food...(, I really have to get out more. Last saturday i sat around the house like a bum all night. It was one of my few nights off during the week where I can go out late and do something, and I ended up watching german news and poking arond on the internet. I was totally set to go to the Atomic Midnight Movie that was listed, but by eleven that night I was too bored and tired to go anywhere. I ended up crashing by 12:30. Pathetic. It used to not suprise me to see the sun come up after a late night, now getting out of the house has become a rarity. It's strange how things can change so much.
I have nobody to blame, only myself. I've met some really cool people since I moved down here. Alaska's party reminded of all the party's I used to go to back when I was just out of high school. I met d_c and pinkokitty, which are both really cool; and billybillybilly and daekrys (who was awesome for giving me a ride). Then are all of my sister's friends who I hang out once in a while, which are cool too, but out of all these people I have met I don't really have any new friends that I can call up at random and have coffee. I'm still very lonely and single...(but that's a whole 'nother entry) And it's all my own fault.
What good is a journal if you can't rant a bit? So let's add "get out of the fucking house and do something" to the list. (Smoke Break) I'm so over-dramatic. Blargh.
Ho-hum. Well I think that's about it for now. I should really shower and start my day. Start doing instead of just talking about it.
With the first signs of winter upon us I realize that it is time to get moving. It's my tuesday off this week and I have too much to do. I should really balance my checkbook to see exactly what I can spaare too put down for an apartment. Then I should start actually calling some places to get prices and such. I also agreed to help my sister change her brakes and help her with an oil change. I'm such a nice brother.
I really have to start getting my stuff ready for moving again. I can't believe how much of a slob I can be. My room looks like a toxic waste dump at the moment. I have about 5 loads of laundry to do, my floor is covered in garbage and wood shavings from when I got into a wood carving mood this summer, and god knows how many empty coke cans are under my bed.
Have you ever moved really fast? One of those times where you procrastinate until about the last week and then you throw anything and everything into random boxes. Like I found my suit in a box with my frying pan. You don't pay attention and then when you try and find something again you're totally lost, which sucks, because then you start wondering if you forgot it somewhere. That's why I need an apartment, so I can start cataloging my stuff to see what I really have. I have a few boxes I'm scared to open....I have no idea what's in them; and since I haven't needed them for five months now I wonder why I took them with me in the first place. Oh well. Add cleaning and low-budget detective work to the list.
Besides finding myself some basic shelter, and food...(, I really have to get out more. Last saturday i sat around the house like a bum all night. It was one of my few nights off during the week where I can go out late and do something, and I ended up watching german news and poking arond on the internet. I was totally set to go to the Atomic Midnight Movie that was listed, but by eleven that night I was too bored and tired to go anywhere. I ended up crashing by 12:30. Pathetic. It used to not suprise me to see the sun come up after a late night, now getting out of the house has become a rarity. It's strange how things can change so much.
I have nobody to blame, only myself. I've met some really cool people since I moved down here. Alaska's party reminded of all the party's I used to go to back when I was just out of high school. I met d_c and pinkokitty, which are both really cool; and billybillybilly and daekrys (who was awesome for giving me a ride). Then are all of my sister's friends who I hang out once in a while, which are cool too, but out of all these people I have met I don't really have any new friends that I can call up at random and have coffee. I'm still very lonely and single...(but that's a whole 'nother entry) And it's all my own fault.
What good is a journal if you can't rant a bit? So let's add "get out of the fucking house and do something" to the list. (Smoke Break) I'm so over-dramatic. Blargh.
Ho-hum. Well I think that's about it for now. I should really shower and start my day. Start doing instead of just talking about it.

i'd be down with getting coffee. i can't leave uptown though (the forcefield won't let me) so you'd have to come here.
no more hating on ones self, so I am overdue for introductions, a functioning artcoholic and otaku
true to the game, later