pot pies and pussycats
Well its thursday and I'm eat ing a pot pie and fighting the cats. Isn't life grand? I have to check the books but I believe now I have enough to get an apartment. It's a big world out there, and expensive to boot. I need someplace kinda cheap but would prefer not to live in a dive. (at least not have mutant two-headed mice running around. no offense to Alaska's place...I'd kill to have a place that cool.) I believe I may get wishing for too much here.
Although I like having free rent currently, I would like to have my own space. My own bathroom, my own living room...etc.. right now I'm living in the basement storage room. I wake up every morning staring at the gas regulator that;s 2 feet from my bed. I wonder if I lit a match I'd blow up. I also have to get out of here because my sister (who owns the house) does not believe in heat. So the house stays a frosty fifty some degrees all winter. That is something I would like to avoid.
I fear I'll become a lonely drunk though if I get a place by myself...which I guess has it's upsides, I'll be free to write that novel I've been putting off for the last ten years. Good times.
Well that's my rant for the night, I've finished the pot pie and the cats are winning the war.
Well its thursday and I'm eat ing a pot pie and fighting the cats. Isn't life grand? I have to check the books but I believe now I have enough to get an apartment. It's a big world out there, and expensive to boot. I need someplace kinda cheap but would prefer not to live in a dive. (at least not have mutant two-headed mice running around. no offense to Alaska's place...I'd kill to have a place that cool.) I believe I may get wishing for too much here.
Although I like having free rent currently, I would like to have my own space. My own bathroom, my own living room...etc.. right now I'm living in the basement storage room. I wake up every morning staring at the gas regulator that;s 2 feet from my bed. I wonder if I lit a match I'd blow up. I also have to get out of here because my sister (who owns the house) does not believe in heat. So the house stays a frosty fifty some degrees all winter. That is something I would like to avoid.
I fear I'll become a lonely drunk though if I get a place by myself...which I guess has it's upsides, I'll be free to write that novel I've been putting off for the last ten years. Good times.
Well that's my rant for the night, I've finished the pot pie and the cats are winning the war.

a place by yourself, that does sound wonderful.
thanks for the compliment, though i owe a lot of thanks to my ex for helping me out with that. (ha. ex.)