Holy Crap! It's a new journal entry...never saw that coming did ya?
Ok, so here is the deal. Lunna uses the computer WAY too much and it's been about a month or so since I've been on to update this thing. (and i'm lazy...one or the other)
ANYWAY! Take her to California! She needs some warm weather...her toes are going to freeze off 'cuz she never wears socks! It's true! Its like -5 below zero right now and she's sockless....I don't understand it. She needs some sand to walk on...hot sand...hehe.
Anyway, did you read her last journal entry....
...yeah...that's about all I have to say about that. Whew! Where was I???? I live in the same apartment and I missed it....yes you can all slap me now for missing it.
So SG land, I have been away awhile I know....please don't hate me Faelynia. I don't hate you....really. Pocketrocket...how's it goin? I wish your number actually showed up on the caller ID so I knew when to pick up the phone! BLOCKED CALL ... who the heck is BLOCKED CALL? I've never met anyone with that name.
I ramble....ramble...ramble....ramble....ramble. Etc.
SOOOOOOOOO! In the tradition of Lunna's journal Entries, I present the Questions of the DaY! Brought to you by CV, your friendly CokeVampire...bet you didn't know that's what it stood for.
(pertaining to anyone with a job) Have you ever had one of those customers who thinks they know more than you do even though your the one with the job? Please indulge me with horror stories.
Have you ever had a boss that seems to have a redwood tree stuck up his ass??
Please ramble all you want!
If you had a trillion dollars, and decided to open your own national chain of stores; what would they sell, and what would your dress code be???
I hate that 'no jeans' crap...I'm a freakin' mechanic for pete's sake! Like I'm gonna wear Docker's while doing an oil change! That's fifty bucks down the toilet.
End of this journal entry! Tune in again for another exciting entry from CV! Check local listings for time and channel.
Ok, so here is the deal. Lunna uses the computer WAY too much and it's been about a month or so since I've been on to update this thing. (and i'm lazy...one or the other)
ANYWAY! Take her to California! She needs some warm weather...her toes are going to freeze off 'cuz she never wears socks! It's true! Its like -5 below zero right now and she's sockless....I don't understand it. She needs some sand to walk on...hot sand...hehe.
Anyway, did you read her last journal entry....

...yeah...that's about all I have to say about that. Whew! Where was I???? I live in the same apartment and I missed it....yes you can all slap me now for missing it.
So SG land, I have been away awhile I know....please don't hate me Faelynia. I don't hate you....really. Pocketrocket...how's it goin? I wish your number actually showed up on the caller ID so I knew when to pick up the phone! BLOCKED CALL ... who the heck is BLOCKED CALL? I've never met anyone with that name.
I ramble....ramble...ramble....ramble....ramble. Etc.
SOOOOOOOOO! In the tradition of Lunna's journal Entries, I present the Questions of the DaY! Brought to you by CV, your friendly CokeVampire...bet you didn't know that's what it stood for.
(pertaining to anyone with a job) Have you ever had one of those customers who thinks they know more than you do even though your the one with the job? Please indulge me with horror stories.
Have you ever had a boss that seems to have a redwood tree stuck up his ass??
Please ramble all you want!
If you had a trillion dollars, and decided to open your own national chain of stores; what would they sell, and what would your dress code be???
I hate that 'no jeans' crap...I'm a freakin' mechanic for pete's sake! Like I'm gonna wear Docker's while doing an oil change! That's fifty bucks down the toilet.
End of this journal entry! Tune in again for another exciting entry from CV! Check local listings for time and channel.

Hello, I changed my name. 

Thank You for being a great friend!