most men resent their left hand
the boney knuckes a second right superhero thumb
so broad and masculine
over shadowed and rendered secondary
by its more active companion
but Ive got my mothers hands and....
you can stumble through the stars
you can choke on a snow flake
you can slip on a bananna peel to death
so spake the hopeless ape
you can get struke by a lightening bolt
a lightening bolt doesnt know its own strength
you'll pull a purr out of her if it kills you
just you wait.....
are babies born with creases in their palms?
where before you think a man most frequent movements been establised
have humans evolved been born to hold hammers and swords
in the years to come will we see the emergance
of strong computer key finger?
in the years to come will well see a flattened mouse pad palm?
hymies basement.
the boney knuckes a second right superhero thumb
so broad and masculine
over shadowed and rendered secondary
by its more active companion
but Ive got my mothers hands and....
you can stumble through the stars
you can choke on a snow flake
you can slip on a bananna peel to death
so spake the hopeless ape
you can get struke by a lightening bolt
a lightening bolt doesnt know its own strength
you'll pull a purr out of her if it kills you
just you wait.....
are babies born with creases in their palms?
where before you think a man most frequent movements been establised
have humans evolved been born to hold hammers and swords
in the years to come will we see the emergance
of strong computer key finger?
in the years to come will well see a flattened mouse pad palm?
hymies basement.
Don't know if you ever got the song from SIlence of the Lambs (where the guy dances in the mirror and videotapes himself) / Clerks 2 parody... (I THINK it was you that asked anyway....) but even if you didn't, I found it. It's called Goodbye Horses by Q. Lazzarus. Sweeeeet. k bye.