an interesting apocolyptic dream I have had. I am on an island of smoke stacks surrounded by water. on all four sides of the island are giant tanks the size of moutains to the point where they take up the whole horizonon all sides. I am trying to balance myself on one of the smoke stacks and see whats about to happen. Then I hear warning sirens, and I see each tanks cannon slowely turn and face the island, as giant bombers slowely accend out of the water. The bombers look like half plane and half great white shark. I fall off the smoke stack and wake up everytime.
Most dreams I have seem to take place in some future, and I am apart of some sort of school or academy. There is always some sort of apocolypse happening and I am in the middle of it with no idea of whats happening. Sometimes I get lucky and superpowers are involved.
I get a weird state of paralysis when I have nightmares about when I used to shoot heroin. When this happens I wake up in a cold sweat, unable to move, and I feel like bolts of electricity passing through my body in brief intervals. It only happens for a couple of minutes but feels like hours. Has anyone else felt the shocking? It feels like you are accidently sleeping on a live wire and you can't move.
Most dreams I have seem to take place in some future, and I am apart of some sort of school or academy. There is always some sort of apocolypse happening and I am in the middle of it with no idea of whats happening. Sometimes I get lucky and superpowers are involved.
I get a weird state of paralysis when I have nightmares about when I used to shoot heroin. When this happens I wake up in a cold sweat, unable to move, and I feel like bolts of electricity passing through my body in brief intervals. It only happens for a couple of minutes but feels like hours. Has anyone else felt the shocking? It feels like you are accidently sleeping on a live wire and you can't move.