I want to always be on film. To be caught in the cut coffee sober ding da da ding da da ba ba boulder, unscratched, unfilled of a brand new prescription, drawing days from a stacked deck of cards, and doing doing doing.
I should cut down my caloric intake.
I should go to sleep hungry and wake up
with my guts knotted up and ears open like a burnt down hut.
I want my mouth to always taste the blade but I want but I want but ooooooo. I want to kiss like taffy, hump gentle on a bed of nails and feel salt to widen eyes like a cut up clowns tongue does. I wanna dump early so I can empty the rest.
I wanna patch of blue sky to follow me.
Unfold, an orgami death mask and cut my DNA with rubber traits, pull apart the double helix like a wish bone.
Always be working on a suicide note.
I don't want to, when I feel like I couldv'e gone longer.
Productive, fully charged cocked and pointed,
keep a tape recorder on my bedside table.
sweats only wear pants that fit the best, no belts, no cuffs, no shoes, walked home yet loose, keep peeled eyes glued. to a ten. watch a fly hit a pain of glass till gets real runny and the stomach swells up and he dies.
I dont want to, when I feel I could have gone longer.
I should cut down my caloric intake.
I should go to sleep hungry and wake up
with my guts knotted up and ears open like a burnt down hut.
I want my mouth to always taste the blade but I want but I want but ooooooo. I want to kiss like taffy, hump gentle on a bed of nails and feel salt to widen eyes like a cut up clowns tongue does. I wanna dump early so I can empty the rest.
I wanna patch of blue sky to follow me.
Unfold, an orgami death mask and cut my DNA with rubber traits, pull apart the double helix like a wish bone.
Always be working on a suicide note.
I don't want to, when I feel like I couldv'e gone longer.
Productive, fully charged cocked and pointed,
keep a tape recorder on my bedside table.
sweats only wear pants that fit the best, no belts, no cuffs, no shoes, walked home yet loose, keep peeled eyes glued. to a ten. watch a fly hit a pain of glass till gets real runny and the stomach swells up and he dies.
I dont want to, when I feel I could have gone longer.
Greetings....that was haunting...thank you