Happy Friday the 13th!
About a month ago, interstellar and I were driving to my house in the dead of night. We come to this bridge that goes over some train tracks about a block from my house. Standing at the end of the bridge, off to one side, is a large man in a dark colored jumper and a Jason mask twirling in circles, and a random goth chick with a video camera on the other side, obviously filming this odd spectical. I did a total double take, then I kind of set there in silent awe.
About a month ago, interstellar and I were driving to my house in the dead of night. We come to this bridge that goes over some train tracks about a block from my house. Standing at the end of the bridge, off to one side, is a large man in a dark colored jumper and a Jason mask twirling in circles, and a random goth chick with a video camera on the other side, obviously filming this odd spectical. I did a total double take, then I kind of set there in silent awe.
I got them done by Robbie Lopez @ Exile on main street. Check out www.exiletattoo.net

yeah, jeremys one of my buds, He pierced my hood, my ex boy also works there. Steven is awesome. Whispering Danny @ Exile is the best of them all. But they're all fucking awesome here.