I think i'm gonna be a vegetarian from now on..
I think it's very funny...Since a Hot topic store came to a mall in my town, all those white trashy kids want to become like Goth...it's so funny...I love to see those "wannabe" kids...they are hoping that wearing " you are just jealous becuse you wish you want to be different like me!"-shirt will make them look cool... how can they be so different from everyone when they shop at mall?? oh I watched Empire Record yesterday..it made me smile ...
I think it's very funny...Since a Hot topic store came to a mall in my town, all those white trashy kids want to become like Goth...it's so funny...I love to see those "wannabe" kids...they are hoping that wearing " you are just jealous becuse you wish you want to be different like me!"-shirt will make them look cool... how can they be so different from everyone when they shop at mall?? oh I watched Empire Record yesterday..it made me smile ...

Foucault indeed!
and that hot topic topic -- LilJackKnife and I DJ from time to time (punkrock garagey stuff) and my next flyer shall say at the bottom: "Get 50% off your new corporate identity at Hot Topics with this flyer"
We have a hot topic here too and it has had the same effect. I don't see it so much on campus, but I see it a lot when I am driving around time and stuff. It's as if they don't realize that when they all wear those shirts that they are no longer any different. Still, wannabe kids are damn amusing so I guess they have some value.