DUDE i will so try to figure out to get money for a plane ticket out there if you give me dates to get a ticket for ... i wanna see you super bad i miss you !!!! tell me as soon as you can i would looooove to make that happen
OR if you are planning a midwest visit i am in chicago now... a little closer than seattle

ANy Halloween ideas???
hmm dress like mrs. clause
happy new year......

there is a little boy at my work,, he is about 6 yrs younger than me,, so adorable, nice kid..
He has the biggest crush on me... I barely check my voice mail,, and i did ,, and I found out he left me a message saying hos much he misses me and likes me whole a lot,.. it feels very awkward.. oh well.. poor...
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He has the biggest crush on me... I barely check my voice mail,, and i did ,, and I found out he left me a message saying hos much he misses me and likes me whole a lot,.. it feels very awkward.. oh well.. poor...
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oh yeah I FINALLY watched IT!!
8.2 out of 10.
fair rnuff?
8.2 out of 10.
fair rnuff?
byatch you better start replying to me for two reasons 1. i miss you and 2. everyone is gonna think im stalking you
just say the word and fly me there i vill do anything to make it better

yeah he is leaving .. he left a long time ago..
he is waiting for her to leave her in a hospice waiting room..
ain't she a super woman,,,
I really feel like I am becoming anarexic.. people here want you to be some kinda fragile doll. It is soo really odd.. so soo socially contructed i guess...
so, girly girl, what did you do...
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he is waiting for her to leave her in a hospice waiting room..
ain't she a super woman,,,
I really feel like I am becoming anarexic.. people here want you to be some kinda fragile doll. It is soo really odd.. so soo socially contructed i guess...
so, girly girl, what did you do...
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sell everything and move to SEATTLE with a REAL honey
shit,, i soo didn't want to go to work today...but i did...
me too... ick,,,

dont go, come to seattle instead! i am cloooooser
so much shit is going on today...
it blows... i dunno..y ppl so care about others' bizness?
anyhow~ i can't sleep tonight...~
it blows... i dunno..y ppl so care about others' bizness?
anyhow~ i can't sleep tonight...~
a meeting 9 am till 2 pm tomorrow!! yaya..
..but i thank my godness.. i am going to an aquarium tomorrow!!!
yeah i like fishiies.....
..but i thank my godness.. i am going to an aquarium tomorrow!!!
yeah i like fishiies.....
thank you for commenting on my set!
hehe you call them fishiies too. fishiies rule!
hope you had fun.

hehe you call them fishiies too. fishiies rule!

Aquarium's are the shit! I took like a million pics when I was at the one in chicago and I love looking at them. My favorite however is the belle Isle aquarium. I just can't get enough of it.

i don't expect your love ...
but i expect yours
HEY i sent you an email a while ago and i just sent you one again cause my friend started putting chappelle shows up for download.
HEY i sent you an email a while ago and i just sent you one again cause my friend started putting chappelle shows up for download.
Uh I didnt stop by for love, just to see how you were doing

cute cute you loook toooo skinny!