Okay so this is the worst I have ever felt....The sad thing is I actually had a decent night last night...But it did not last....I smoked myself retarded and listened to my new satellite radio.....My house lost power(my hole neighborhood did) pitch black returning home...still istening to my satelite radio....What comes on my radio but "I love my answering machine".....God I fucking miss you...I missu so much...Gilley is doing everything he can to keep me from going insane and keeping me out of the hospital....ITS NOT FUCKING WORKING! FUck.....I sat in my room last night in the blackness listening to MY Chemical Rommance....I sobbed....You have no idea what you mean to me....Can feel my health failing AND I DONT GIVE A FUCK!.....One last tatoo...this weekend.....FOR YOU!....Everyone is probbably happy you left me....EVERYONE BUT ME!
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
SO FUCKIN PISSED! More to come later....Sorrr for being a downer... … -
Saturday Jul 30, 2005
Ok so i am back after about 4 months of being without Sg in my life … -
Wednesday Jul 27, 2005
I'M BACK!...MORE TO COME SOON! I missed this place a lot! -
Friday Apr 15, 2005
Was gonna make this a long happy entry. Bt i dont think I can right n… -
Sunday Apr 10, 2005
This is how i feel right now...... Can't say anymore...I'd giv… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2005
Okay I went to see Fever Pitch last night. I have never left a movie… -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
So time for an update: The person who has kept me sane in this godfo… -
Monday Apr 04, 2005
Ok as I wirte this the sun is shining and i am listening to my Ipod m… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2005
Quick mini update: Iam really fucking glad to be back on the site. I… -
Tuesday Mar 29, 2005
Sorry to all who have stopped by lately...I needed some time away fro…