ok so here we go...I had kinda of a rocky weekend...It was really fucking good at points...hanging with gilley,meg rae,bree(who is not all that bright...but still very nice
) and erin is funny as hell...Watching invader zim on dvd...The Sox moved on to the ALCS to face the Yankees...Will be watching those games with a blindfold on...Smoking copious amounts of weed....Bad things fighting with meg on sunday...Realizing I have another headlight out...last one was fixed a month ago...People making late night drunken botty calls to my gf....And to top it all off I come to work this morning and the first piece of news I read is Christopher Reeves died yesterday...That sux....I may be a geek but i grew up with superman...not only in comics..but the movies...One of the first movies I truly love was the original Superman...And like so many people my age my image of Superman has been Christopher Reeves...It just sux that such a brave man both on and off screen was taken so young...Maybe if Mr. Bush had not been such an asswipe christian right loving shithead maybe Mr Reeves would still be alive....But whatever I am getting into a political rant...R.I.P. Superman...I am sorry to see you go...I am glad your suffering is over.....And I hope you find great happieness in the after- life.
Later all

Later all
Sorry for your loss. I'm curious about the connection between CR's death and GWB. Please explain! Stem cell research? I really am curious, so feel free to rant about it.