All right, so I am back in the land of the living, or at least the land of the geek, I have internet again
So here's the big moving rant you've all been waiting for....
My roommate is a big CUNT. I could just leave it at that but I don't think you would understand so here it is...
I rush home Saturday (the 26th) after getting stuck at work late, I have a gentleman caller wishing to meet for dinner, I agree simply because depsite the fact that I am to start moving my stuff at some point, I do need to eat. We make plans for a few hours later.
So in the time between, I meet my roommate and inform her that I am gonna go get my dads piece of shit truck, which I will take on my date, so that we can move some stuff after dinner. Its maybe 5 pm at this time.
She asks if I would mind taking a load to the new place in our cars, no problem. After unloading I head to the rents to get the white trash pick up that has more rust than I've ever seen, and head to my dinner date.
All is fine and well, and I am home by 8 - 830. I call my roommate to find out if she would still like me to bring a load over, she says no she's going to bed cause she has to work in the morning.
Thats fine.
I stay in and pack my remaining belongings, and head to the bath.
At 11 my roomie calls me to inform me that the other truck and help will not be coming on Sunday because the key to thier truck broke. ??????
I know at this point I do have some help of my own, just not a very big truck, I don't think, just dads little Nissan rust bucket.
Lets fast forward things a bit cause this part isn't so bad.. Basically my cousin saved my ass by asking her boyfriend to help who had a truck.
So fast forward to night time...
I go to my parents for dinner with my grandparents, maybe 2hrs break total, as I am heading out my roommate calls to inform me she is at the Ship and not planning on leaving anytime soon.
This may not seem like a big deal at first, but we still have to clean the old place.
So I go to pick up my cleaning supplies, at this point only slightly angred. I call zenFish, and ask for his help as I have to work in the morning and have no idea when my roomie will show up to help.
I pick him up, we start cleaning. At 945 I decide that if Missy isn't there to help I will not only call her and bitch her out but I will call my dad and ask for help.
She shows up as I am thinking this, you may all think this is great, but wait the best part is yet to come.
Not only is she and her friend and our other roomie drunk they're all high too.
I am steam cleaning away, while they are giggling in the bathroom doing god knows what.
Later my roomie comes to me to ask why I am grumpy at her, I told her because I 've been doing this 14hrs and you went out and partied
She responded by throwing my date the night before in my face.
She and her friends left shortly there after telling me the would walk back with the vacume cleaner. The left arround 11.
So at 1145 I call my roomie to find out where they are, turns out in bed
Cause she has to work in the morning. Well so did I.
zenFish and I got out of there at 230 am, I had been moving heavy shit and cleaning for 18 odd hrs
And I didn't even have a bed to sleep on, I ended up sleeping on my fouton, in couch position because there was no room to pull it out, pieces of my bed were in the way.
after 3 maybe 4 hrs shitty sleep I got up and went to work, in dirty clothes cause god only knew where mine were at that point.
At 1 I did the walk through with the old landlord who ensurred we would get out damage back, no thanks to my roomate.
My roommate calls me at 2 to ask where the keys are so she can do the walk through. When I told her I had already done it all she said was Oh my god.
No thank you no nothing, fucking cunt.
Needless to say I am happy I will be moving again in just over 50 days, and I am looking forward to it, Why? you may ask, cause I get a new roommate who will never fuck me in the ass the way this one did.
And if any one would like to party on the 30th of the April when I am supposed to be cleaning this place, let me know cause someone needs their Karma to kick them in the ass.
Thanks for reading my rant, hope it didn't make you too angry.

So here's the big moving rant you've all been waiting for....
My roommate is a big CUNT. I could just leave it at that but I don't think you would understand so here it is...
I rush home Saturday (the 26th) after getting stuck at work late, I have a gentleman caller wishing to meet for dinner, I agree simply because depsite the fact that I am to start moving my stuff at some point, I do need to eat. We make plans for a few hours later.
So in the time between, I meet my roommate and inform her that I am gonna go get my dads piece of shit truck, which I will take on my date, so that we can move some stuff after dinner. Its maybe 5 pm at this time.
She asks if I would mind taking a load to the new place in our cars, no problem. After unloading I head to the rents to get the white trash pick up that has more rust than I've ever seen, and head to my dinner date.
All is fine and well, and I am home by 8 - 830. I call my roommate to find out if she would still like me to bring a load over, she says no she's going to bed cause she has to work in the morning.
Thats fine.
I stay in and pack my remaining belongings, and head to the bath.
At 11 my roomie calls me to inform me that the other truck and help will not be coming on Sunday because the key to thier truck broke. ??????
I know at this point I do have some help of my own, just not a very big truck, I don't think, just dads little Nissan rust bucket.
Lets fast forward things a bit cause this part isn't so bad.. Basically my cousin saved my ass by asking her boyfriend to help who had a truck.
So fast forward to night time...
I go to my parents for dinner with my grandparents, maybe 2hrs break total, as I am heading out my roommate calls to inform me she is at the Ship and not planning on leaving anytime soon.
This may not seem like a big deal at first, but we still have to clean the old place.
So I go to pick up my cleaning supplies, at this point only slightly angred. I call zenFish, and ask for his help as I have to work in the morning and have no idea when my roomie will show up to help.
I pick him up, we start cleaning. At 945 I decide that if Missy isn't there to help I will not only call her and bitch her out but I will call my dad and ask for help.
She shows up as I am thinking this, you may all think this is great, but wait the best part is yet to come.
Not only is she and her friend and our other roomie drunk they're all high too.
I am steam cleaning away, while they are giggling in the bathroom doing god knows what.
Later my roomie comes to me to ask why I am grumpy at her, I told her because I 've been doing this 14hrs and you went out and partied

She responded by throwing my date the night before in my face.
She and her friends left shortly there after telling me the would walk back with the vacume cleaner. The left arround 11.
So at 1145 I call my roomie to find out where they are, turns out in bed

Cause she has to work in the morning. Well so did I.
zenFish and I got out of there at 230 am, I had been moving heavy shit and cleaning for 18 odd hrs

And I didn't even have a bed to sleep on, I ended up sleeping on my fouton, in couch position because there was no room to pull it out, pieces of my bed were in the way.
after 3 maybe 4 hrs shitty sleep I got up and went to work, in dirty clothes cause god only knew where mine were at that point.
At 1 I did the walk through with the old landlord who ensurred we would get out damage back, no thanks to my roomate.
My roommate calls me at 2 to ask where the keys are so she can do the walk through. When I told her I had already done it all she said was Oh my god.
No thank you no nothing, fucking cunt.
Needless to say I am happy I will be moving again in just over 50 days, and I am looking forward to it, Why? you may ask, cause I get a new roommate who will never fuck me in the ass the way this one did.
And if any one would like to party on the 30th of the April when I am supposed to be cleaning this place, let me know cause someone needs their Karma to kick them in the ass.
Thanks for reading my rant, hope it didn't make you too angry.
can I kick her in the junk?