Yay, I have my apartment to myself for a least tonight
Not that I have anything or anyone that I want to do for that matter, but I get some alone me time.
And I am still hoping for no moaning guy again tonight, last night I was far to drunk to notice if he was there or not.
Last night my roommate draged me to Aussie Rules for a friends b-day, it was great fun, I highly recomend it.
With exception to the ongoing tummy troubles, which I just drank more until it stopped hurting, it was a great time, dancing on chairs and tables.
So this week, I will be going for an ultra sound to see what it causing the mystery pains in my stomach, part of me almost hopes they find something just so it can be fixed and make it go away.
Well off to take a nap I go. night night

And I am still hoping for no moaning guy again tonight, last night I was far to drunk to notice if he was there or not.
Last night my roommate draged me to Aussie Rules for a friends b-day, it was great fun, I highly recomend it.
With exception to the ongoing tummy troubles, which I just drank more until it stopped hurting, it was a great time, dancing on chairs and tables.
So this week, I will be going for an ultra sound to see what it causing the mystery pains in my stomach, part of me almost hopes they find something just so it can be fixed and make it go away.
Well off to take a nap I go. night night
I hope they figure out what is wrong with you too.
and I hope it's something cheap, quick, and easy to cure. 

hope it's something easy to cure right up - didn't end up going anywhere today... combination of too little cash, too little motivation :/