i still love that lighting they did.
I feel like a bag of smashed assholes. Lessoned learned; that while raspberry Stoli tastes oh so very good and goes down just entirely too well, your still going to feel like ass the next day.
But on a better note, I got to see my bestfriend and his daughter yesterday, it was awesome. I have missed them so very much.
And I swear everytime...
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You'll want to join this one.
wow, you got really creative with your "Snowmen" didn't you? Snowman and woman I should say. I saw them in the rec. adds and laughed. They remind me of hindu kama-sutra figures.

Dear god, don't remind me that you have snow already!
I managed to finally get myself some new tires today.
So hopefully no more getting stuck on the ice in my buildings parking lot. (Thanks Mr. Garbage man who made our lot into an ice rink Monday morning.)
Oh the exciting life I lead one will never quite know.
Tomorrow after work I get to see my best friend and his daughter (my neice -...
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yah! for snow tires!

bourns! to garbage man!
You didn't miss much, I just had three different dialogues going at once, one about Fractal's latest set, one about a painting of mine, and another about a painting I did of Melly. I refuse to fill out my dating profile because I am sick of the creepy emails and whatnot I get from the men. Like I said, I already have a male partner that I planning on spending life with, that chapter is closed. But hey, I don't have a woman wink
and I like talking with women anyway.

Grrr... I hate how government and whatnot handle the winter. Where I live the governor just announced she won't be able to send plows down a majority of the roads thanks to budget cuts. So, what does that mean? Only the rich tax payers will get the snow plowed? Only the road in front of the Govenor's mansion will be plowed? Grrr... Like it's a change from last year though. We had a terrible run of snow last year and I don't think anyone was out to plow our road until March, and I'm not out in the boondocks either, I'm in the freaking city only a mile or so away from the capital building. Grrr....

Bottom line-I feel your pain.

Have fun with your best friend and your niece. smile
Yay, I finally figured out what the hell I am going to be for halloween, and managed to find all the stuff I needed too.
I think I am kinda excited for halloween this year, normally its kinda hum drum. But with Kink and a party it might actually be some good times this year.
Also got word from one of the performers from Kink,...
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That's right! Glad to hear you are recovering. Hey how come no photos on your profile?
That sounds very cool. It's nice to have people admire your work, but it feels even better when they want to buy it! Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
*Sigh* All is good in the house hold now, I was beging to fear that I was going to have a permanent house guest there for awhile. But as it turns out she is attempting to have her own place by the first.
Nice girl, but our little bachalorette pad is a bit crowded.
Wow, this has been a weird few weeks. I think I...
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Told you it would all work out. who's right now! ha!

as for the robber, the SAME guy came in? fuck. he's a dumbass.

I felt better after sleeping all day, managed to nip it in the bud.

and for your information, i do workout. you damn knob.

no chai. will have one tomorrow am.

and again, i feel bad about the nail. ok?

Well, that solves that problem doesn't it? Now you just have to tolerate her for a short time, that's better than forever isn't it?

Wow! The robber actually returned? What, did he not think you would remember him or something? I worked in retail for eight years, I never had anyone rob me (YET!) Do you have a security buzzer or a gun or anything? You might want to consider getting one.
Sunday, my only day this week, and I just want to be able to hangout at home, alone!
Listen to MY music however loud I would like too.
Chill out where ever I would like.
Maybe even go naked for a bit.
But no, my roommates house guest is here. Frik she's always here, and listening to really bad music entirely too loud.
I think...
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Glad she finally did the dishes... and I still think a good chat/talk with them should be the next step... if thiings don't improve soon.

What horrible music does she listen to?

Never had turkey cabbage rolls... what are they like?

I seem to remember saying... "have you gotten winter tires"
Your reply "I have all seasons"


[Edited on Oct 17, 2004 10:52PM]
Hello Ms. Match. biggrin
Brrrr, it snowing frown I have to admit despite where I live I was hoping it would hold off till the end of October like it usually does.
It could be worse mind you.
Well I am kinda thinking that since the weather is shit I should just hang out at home and have a bottle of wine, and who knows what trouble I will get...
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I thought we had it bad in Michigan, it's just been sleeting freezing rain all day. At least it's not snowing wink

I've been doing the same thing all day, holed up at home, wrapped in blankets drinking cup after cup of hot tea and reading....

Some days are perfect.
Ahh, its so nice to be back and be able to stretch out in ones own bed.
So after setting off almost all of the alarms possible leaving the Calgary Airport, and having security make me take off my belt causing me to almost lose my pants, and then having them go through almost all my belongings.
I realized when I landed in Abottsford that...
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seeing that your the first one to comment on that entry, i'm sure most have yet to notice.
there, changed, whiner tongue
I woke up this morning to have my friends tell me that Super Man is dead, wiping the dust from my eyes I said HUH?
Christopher Reeves has died of a heat attack due to some sort of infection.
What a sad day.
Super Man is dead.
Ja. that does suck quite abit, got posted on here about 3 times, in 3 spots.

As for your body, you'll need it later in life... have fun... just nothing that'll kill ya.

Glad your getting out and into trouble, hope you have lot's of fun.
Gah, so full.
Friends mom decided instead of making just a dinner she would go full out and make a Thanksgiving dinner for herself and me, and eventhough I have had to resort to wearing pants with an adjustable waistline, I still did not eat enough.
Now I know why people purge puke
But yay I leave for Van tomorrow after work, I totally can't wait...
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Thanks for the words.

I'm sure you'll have lots of fun this weekend, and wicked pictures to boot.
glad you got to van all safe, treat your body good...
Tomorrow is the guilt tripped dinner with a friends mom.
Its not like I ever went and visited her before, but man there is nothing like waking up to a guilt trip first thing in the morning *insert Yeddish accent here* blackeyed
She has even offered to lend me an extra suitcase to go with me to Vancouver so I can take more food to her...
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1. again call westjet, so not kidding.

2. meh. i'm sure you can have some of that food.

3. with your luck, it'll be raining tongue

4. i called, see journal for what happenned.
.if you get a chance, come by the Cambie for a drinkie....our second home... wink