Well all... I finally did it .... I started taking dance class again. I took modern on monday and ballet today and will take modern tomorrow in addition to teaching afterwards. It feels good... I forgot how much i love to move. But obviously you love something when you start to almost cry and its still the warm up. Ballet wasn't as fun as modern but ballet is like vitamins.... they're big and hard to swallow but it's really good for you. If i manage to keep this up like i want to i may actually be a dancer again. Imagine that! Other than that movie shoot this weekend tons o' fun yet to come. Hope all is well out there in the big big world...
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
well folks it has happened that's right i will be going on the road..… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
well it's been a while kids but life is like that, trying to get myse… -
Tuesday Apr 25, 2006
so i figured it out... I have to have a caption for everything for it… -
Friday Apr 21, 2006
well... added more pics to my file, tried to add alot more but the si… -
Monday Apr 17, 2006
Life is interesting right now. I wish I was more into writing in a j… -
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
why do people you love and trust do stupid dumb ass things that make … -
Friday Mar 24, 2006
Well... I should be going to bed but hell what's the point...I've sur… -
Sunday Mar 12, 2006
ever get so tweeked out in your own brain without being on any substa… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
I find it very interesting when an old friend comes back into your li…
She had an abcesse and we went and got it drained, now she has a hole in her head.
it's kinda gross actually.
and HELL yea! for you taking dance classes! and moving again!