Well it's been a week since i went to the hospital for my knee and it was doing really really well, I was actually walking and only wearing an ace bandage. Then when i woke up on tues it was as big as a grapefruit again and more pain than before now i'm back to the crutches and have an appointment for the orthopedist on the 18th hopefully to get an mri. Being gimpy totally sucks, i don't mind limping but when i can't even do that life gets a little boring. Hopefully i'll be able to go to work tomorrow not that it's that much fun, but it's better than crap daytime tv. Time to change the ice pack on my knee hope all is well on your side of the world
Any BIG plans for The New Year???
crutches are the suck. I broke my leg and had to use cruthes. They make everything that much more difficult, even riding is cars.