Well shit i gone and dun it...
Dun what who the hell knows but after work on monday came home and changed into some comfy sweats and low and behold... My knee was swollen to the size of ... oh i'd say a fucking grapefruit!!!! Now you would think that i would have noticed this, but there was no pain! So i iced and iced and iced and elevated... and the swelling went down some... the next morning i wake up and can't walk - can't straighten all the way, can't bend all the way and hell if i could put any weight on it... so called the dr. they tell me to go to the ER. After 3 hours of poking, icing, xrays etc. It is sugguested that i may have cartiledge damage and need to see an orthopedist... oh but it gets better ... they gave me presents!!!! I get to wear a brace that goes from my upper thigh to my lower calf and makes me unable to move my knee (ie peg leg) and crutches!!!! But the best present of all - vicodin!!! Ahhhh... (unfortunately, this is the first time i've had a vicodin prescription where i'm actually in enough pain that i'm using it- not recreationally)... So please send the good energy as i do not have insurance and am praying that this all subsides by the power of my own healing in a week or so... i think it's possible don't you?
Dun what who the hell knows but after work on monday came home and changed into some comfy sweats and low and behold... My knee was swollen to the size of ... oh i'd say a fucking grapefruit!!!! Now you would think that i would have noticed this, but there was no pain! So i iced and iced and iced and elevated... and the swelling went down some... the next morning i wake up and can't walk - can't straighten all the way, can't bend all the way and hell if i could put any weight on it... so called the dr. they tell me to go to the ER. After 3 hours of poking, icing, xrays etc. It is sugguested that i may have cartiledge damage and need to see an orthopedist... oh but it gets better ... they gave me presents!!!! I get to wear a brace that goes from my upper thigh to my lower calf and makes me unable to move my knee (ie peg leg) and crutches!!!! But the best present of all - vicodin!!! Ahhhh... (unfortunately, this is the first time i've had a vicodin prescription where i'm actually in enough pain that i'm using it- not recreationally)... So please send the good energy as i do not have insurance and am praying that this all subsides by the power of my own healing in a week or so... i think it's possible don't you?

i don't know how PA works, but in Minnesota, there is generally a county "general" hospital that must treat patients regardless of their ability to pay. you still get billed, but there's much less pressure to get it paid off.
Vicodin is fun, but be prepared to sleep a nice buzzy sleep.
bum knees are the suq.