well the day after my bday and i thank all of you who sent me love on my day... it's always good to hear... since i've been back in pa i've been working for my mom - thankfully it gives me money and i kinda fell into it but god is inventory and data entry boring! Yet somehow the continuous pace of doing the same thing for 8 hours straight gives you a certain meditation, you tend to get into a groove at some point where you don't notice if someone walks into the shop or office where you don't notice your hands are more dirty than most of the mechanics (did i mention that my parents sell ATV's, snowmobiles, and Motorcycles?- so most of the inventory involves grease or dirt of some sort) . The only thing i hope for is to get there earlier than the "boys" and be able to put in NPR on the stereo instead of the local country music station we've been listening to for days - don't get me wrong there's a time and a place for country but when the station plays the same song 12 times or more in one day there's room for a change... doncha think????? hope all is well out there in your land...
More Blogs
Monday Dec 08, 2008
just a quick social question... where do all the shoes that you see o… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2008
It's been awhile since i wrote or really visited SG but i guess when … -
Sunday Sep 28, 2008
So i'm not going to leave as of now, i think this is a good place to … -
Tuesday Sep 23, 2008
Thinking of leaving the site. Not feeling so much love, not feeling … -
Saturday Sep 20, 2008
got to speak to the boy the good bad and ugly of it all... there's st… -
Thursday Sep 11, 2008
So anniversary of Sept. 11. It was my first day of college at CalArt… -
Monday Sep 01, 2008
Life is kind of sucking right now but it's my own fault. Needless to… -
Thursday Jun 19, 2008
been off the site for a while... hope all is well for everyone... thi… -
Sunday May 18, 2008
Well almost a month after my last posting... I'm a southerner now... … -
Saturday Apr 19, 2008
11 more days and oh so much to do so why not procrastinate for a litt…
I was just making a bad naughty joke. (I sure was hoping that it would be taken in a light sense since it was meant as light and funny and I sure wasn't being serious!)
much love back at ya...