this is the last 3 days on my account so find me on fb or something if you want
back to the world of working internet ....
enjoying life these days with minimal internet use and this going to be my last month on here so this maybe my last update... who knows
been so busy with work and appartment finding that i have forgot about the internet. i'm really enjoying philly can't wait to be fully settled.
sounds good man all the best!
Hope everything goes well! Glad you're enjoying philly!
well I'm now in philly. all i need to do is get a living situation locked down and i'm set
well now i actually in a good mood for once in a long time... i'm moving to philly at the end of the month and getting out of columbus finally.

Ah damn, right before I get my happy little as TO Columbus. Ah well, I hope everything goes well for you!
In philly ... going. To nyc tomorrow. Hell yeah
i want to get high and listen to music
in need of whiskey and weed
aren't we all ?
Looks great! Loved it! 


this song