Well by now everyone probably has heard someone took a few shots at the Pentagon from I395. It's just luck that no one was in that part of the building and wasn't scheduled to move in for a few weeks. The really bothersome part is my organization's new offices are directly across the hall from the area of the building that was hit. I was...
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Thanks hun.. You're so sweet! 

Finally decided to become active again on the site after many months away. Actually really might as well have been three years away. Hell at least this will give me some kind of outlet besides reading while commuting from Fredericksburg to Arlington.

Yeah.. DC traffic kills. 

Kills? I've never seen anyone die from going 12 miles an hour
I so hate wasting 2 hours driving in on a bad day!

Well I went to the Tegan and Sarah concert in Ritchmond, VA. Sorry no pics. I've become lazy as hell lately and need to step it up
Sat behind Steel Train's keyboardists dad (opening act and phenominal btw). The National is a great venue and much better than the 9:30 club in DC.
Tegan and Sarah were phenominal as allways. Their personalities really come through...
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Tegan and Sarah were phenominal as allways. Their personalities really come through...
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I have never really listened to them but they are hot.
They are amazing songwriters and performers. If you like them at all you'll be a huge fan when you see them live.
It's snowing...again. I swear someone plans it so all the carp weather happens on the weekend and clears up just in time for Monday.
Just decided to get involved in the site again and noticed my last entry was in 2008. Just horrible
. A lot, and I do mean a lot has changed since then and mostly for the better. Bought a house, job is interesting and I'm finally getting around to paint and unpack from the move. Here's to an awesome 2010 for everyone.
Just decided to get involved in the site again and noticed my last entry was in 2008. Just horrible

i do lead an interesting life
thanks for leaving some love for white static. i am glad you liked it!
have a fantastic day!

yeaH, fucK yoU curvE...
grrrR!! whaT'S hurricanE miX??? mmmM, nicE missileS, yoU reallY knoW hoW tO geT A girL hoT...

2x thE alcohoL??? SOLD
whaT chaT thinG???

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Pics from my camera phone!