Have you ever fantasized about uber HOT sex with your tattoo artist in his chair? mmmm..... that makes two of us! I want to do some really bad things with him... I got an old school Diamond between my breasts on Friday. I couldn't stop thinking about fucking in that damn tattoo chair the whole time i was sitting there. When i left i was so wet it was incredible. to make things worse I think he would have been down had i said something... had to really stand back from myself and have the "your married" talk with myself. So frustrated though!!!!! I so want to scratch that fantasy itch!!!! 

Welll.... let's see the new tattoo!! And yes.. Just with one of them. I was never really attracted to him, but there was something about when he would tattoo me.. No one else was allowed to touch me like that (except the couple other artists I've had work on me.) I could have let him dominate me. He already had total control over me anyway.
I need someone to help me take some pics of all of my Tattoos, so i can put them on here. I'm not that computer savy and i tried to post some pics but some are too Large?
so i need help! LOL I need lots of help but that's beside the point! I am going to see if my friend will help me!