How the fuck did Kwame get re-elected over Hendrix? Thats like voting for Bush over anyone...I think people need to take a class on voting and then an IQ test before they get thier ballots....I hope Detroit has a fun time having thier money stolen evne more.... Hendrix fought clean but Kwame took out attack ads like a little man.... Fuck if my grandma was still alive I'd wheel her into that voting box and have her fill in the Hendrix box so dark they would've though that ballot was black....malarky!
On another note.....
I love my job...and my car...the iTrip is the greatest thing for an Ipod ever created..and at half price you can't beat that....
I made a shopping list during class yesterday:
Beavis and Butthead; THe Mike Judge Collection: Vol. 1 (which is funny cuz i compared they two hottest girls in my theatre class to beavis and butthead cuz they ar elike all giggles and buddy buddy and oen has dark hair and th eother i need a gf)
Jay and Silent Bob Do DEGRASSI! Unrated version....
Beastie Boys Solid Gold Hits (i own every album by them ever made)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (deluxe edition for my mom)
Baseketball cuz it will cost me 3 dollars
Myster Men cuz it will cost me 4 dollars...and Dane Cook as the waffler
Ipod car charger and holder
Green Zebra Ipod skin on ebay
Office Space Boxset
Family Guy Vol 1&2
Waynes World Box Set
Americna Pie Boxset
Die Hard Boxset
Blade Boxset
Pete&Pete Season 1
Happy/Madison Boxset
Fight CLub
Pink Floyd boxset
Judas Preist Box Set
(and I cna get all of this a tmy store on discount....)
Also need to get:
Contact lenses
Oil change and cooling system service
Tickets for 89x-mas and HIM(w/ finch and skindred)
Gotta save $40 for canada
Gotta check proces on:
27" plasma tv
Portable DVD Player
Memory card for camera
White Walls
Thiss is my bff Sandra D about a month ago...Shes got about 16 weeks left...and she wants to name him Conor Atticus...EWW...but i love her
My two fav girls of the week:
Double D's....(D's w/ ducttape)
Frankly I think the posters are hotter:
And yet I still don't have a gf....
How the fuck did Kwame get re-elected over Hendrix? Thats like voting for Bush over anyone...I think people need to take a class on voting and then an IQ test before they get thier ballots....I hope Detroit has a fun time having thier money stolen evne more.... Hendrix fought clean but Kwame took out attack ads like a little man.... Fuck if my grandma was still alive I'd wheel her into that voting box and have her fill in the Hendrix box so dark they would've though that ballot was black....malarky!
On another note.....
I love my job...and my car...the iTrip is the greatest thing for an Ipod ever created..and at half price you can't beat that....
I made a shopping list during class yesterday:
Beavis and Butthead; THe Mike Judge Collection: Vol. 1 (which is funny cuz i compared they two hottest girls in my theatre class to beavis and butthead cuz they ar elike all giggles and buddy buddy and oen has dark hair and th eother i need a gf)
Jay and Silent Bob Do DEGRASSI! Unrated version....
Beastie Boys Solid Gold Hits (i own every album by them ever made)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (deluxe edition for my mom)
Baseketball cuz it will cost me 3 dollars
Myster Men cuz it will cost me 4 dollars...and Dane Cook as the waffler
Ipod car charger and holder
Green Zebra Ipod skin on ebay
Office Space Boxset
Family Guy Vol 1&2
Waynes World Box Set
Americna Pie Boxset
Die Hard Boxset
Blade Boxset
Pete&Pete Season 1
Happy/Madison Boxset
Fight CLub
Pink Floyd boxset
Judas Preist Box Set
(and I cna get all of this a tmy store on discount....)
Also need to get:
Contact lenses
Oil change and cooling system service
Tickets for 89x-mas and HIM(w/ finch and skindred)
Gotta save $40 for canada
Gotta check proces on:
27" plasma tv
Portable DVD Player
Memory card for camera
White Walls

Thiss is my bff Sandra D about a month ago...Shes got about 16 weeks left...and she wants to name him Conor Atticus...EWW...but i love her

My two fav girls of the week:
Double D's....(D's w/ ducttape)

Frankly I think the posters are hotter:

And yet I still don't have a gf....
You got that right, Babe!

take it from me, you dont want a girlfriend. they are boring. and you have to buy them things and have sex with them and all that dumb stuff.