Quite a bit on my mind that I don't feel like posting on Facebook for friends and family to judge. So I guess I'll look for advice here. My wife left a few weeks ago to visit family back in Michigan.( we live in Alaska) when we talked on the phone the other day she made it clear that she will not be returning to me. I'm hurt but at this point I feel like it's been a long time coming. Now I got this big empty house I bought last year to myself. Mind you I'm only 23. I would imagine that since she doesn't want to come back we are probably getting a divorce. It's going to be weird being single after being with someone for so long. I don't know what to do. I've always been self conscious about myself and feel that no women would even want to give me the time of day. Sorry for the gut spilling even though I could go on for hours but typing gets old on a phone...