So I said that I was gonna stay offline for awhile and I managed to limit my interweb time this week to a more rational amount...and that's better for me...I feel it's too easy to lose yourself in this virtual world sometimes...and I cleared up something with a very important(and squeaky) friend last nite...and I'm feeling better about that too...altho there is still something I hesitated to mention...hopefully we can talk about that soon...but right now it's a beautiful sunny(tho chilly) day in T.O. and I'm sick of moping and feeling sorry for myself...frankly I find it I'm just gonna try to enjoy my days a little more...and enjoy the amazing friends that I have...and if the girl I have a crush on doesn't ever share the feelings...such is life...nothin I can really do about'll never be able to fault me for not trying tho...and yes...I'm still a little fucked up on the inside...but I look good on the outside...and that's what really matters hahahah...and yes I'm kinda in a constant state of confusion these days...but I think my life has always been that way...why fix it I'm off to the hardware store to buy paint...GREEN sexify my kitchen so I don't have to feel like I'm at work 24 hours a day...Have a great day ladies...
and yes it takes more work to stay upset than happy
and more muscles to frown than smile
and all that corny stuff...