my poor sleep habits. i never know when to go to bed. the first two days this week i wirked 12 hour shifts and went to bed at noon. yesterday and today i'm home and ready for bed at 8am. tomorrow i try to go to bed at noon again. no wonder i'm cranky. i can't tell if i should be awake or asleep. i hate these forced shifts. at this point i don't care how nice the paycheck is going to look because i'll be too tired to spend the damn thing. on top of that, i go on 7 day, 12 hour shifts starting sunday. i should be on my long weekend this weekend and that isn't happening now.
the only thing i'm looking forward to today is going down to work on my boat. i need to scrub the hull, wax it, clean out the cuddy and scrub the deck and it's ready to fly. i might go fishing on saturday which is still my only day off as long as there isn't any schedule change.
good grief, i need a vacation.
the only thing i'm looking forward to today is going down to work on my boat. i need to scrub the hull, wax it, clean out the cuddy and scrub the deck and it's ready to fly. i might go fishing on saturday which is still my only day off as long as there isn't any schedule change.
good grief, i need a vacation.
i heart fishing. and insomnia.