insomnia sucks a fat dick. it's not my fault i have it. i worked 27 midnights in a row. of those 27, 24 were 12 hour shifts. when work cancelled the 12 hour shifts, they told us to return to our normal work schdule. my normal schedule for today was days. so, 12 midnight shift yesterday to working days today. well, it didn't happen. i never fell asleep last night and now i'm wide awake.
in the good news department, i went and seen stella last night. it's the 3 guys from the old mtv show the state. holy mary mother of god was it funny. michael ian black, david wayne and michael showalter are some of the funniest bastrards i have ever seen in my life. if this show comes to your town, i highly recommend it.
i called off. i'm hungry and i'm out.
in the good news department, i went and seen stella last night. it's the 3 guys from the old mtv show the state. holy mary mother of god was it funny. michael ian black, david wayne and michael showalter are some of the funniest bastrards i have ever seen in my life. if this show comes to your town, i highly recommend it.
i called off. i'm hungry and i'm out.