Hello my loves!! I've missed you sooo much!! If your wondering why I havn't posted anything in so long welll it's because i've been computerless for 3 months!!!! can you believe that??? well since i've been away you guys are probably wondering what I've been up to, so I'll give you a quick update. well I got kicked out of my dads house basically because he caught be smoking weed in the house. urgh worst experience ever! but now that i look back on it it's kinda funny lol. So i lived with my mom for a bit. then i got my own place! well not really because i live with my boyfriend. big step i know! And trust me i was NOT ready for this step. It's been super hard, but sometimes worth it. it's still rocky but i'm hoping it'll get better. i had to quite my merchandising job
because i worked for a cheap bastard and the pay was shit. so now i work at a boring call center..but it pays really good. you win some you loose some i guess. and during all this time, the crap top i had stop recieving a wireless signal and couldn't connect to the internet. and i deffs couldn't afford a new one. so i finally found this place that sells used one, i traded in my crap top for this Toshiba lap top, i just got it today, and this is the 1st site i came on! thats how much i missed you guys
My life has been a roller coaster these past 3 mnths, I'm hoping it gets a little more stable soon. neway i just wanted to say HI since i was gone for a while, i really missed you guys!!
Love, CurLee
Hello my loves!! I've missed you sooo much!! If your wondering why I havn't posted anything in so long welll it's because i've been computerless for 3 months!!!! can you believe that??? well since i've been away you guys are probably wondering what I've been up to, so I'll give you a quick update. well I got kicked out of my dads house basically because he caught be smoking weed in the house. urgh worst experience ever! but now that i look back on it it's kinda funny lol. So i lived with my mom for a bit. then i got my own place! well not really because i live with my boyfriend. big step i know! And trust me i was NOT ready for this step. It's been super hard, but sometimes worth it. it's still rocky but i'm hoping it'll get better. i had to quite my merchandising job

Love, CurLee

well i am glad you are back and somethings are working out for you
Welcome home gorgeous <3