FINALLY, this tattoo is finished.
It hurt soo much, I don't know if anyone has a tattoo on thier ribs, but man it hurts like a bitch.
I'm just glad it's finally finished and I LOVE IT!!
When I took this picture I just put ointmen on it so its super shiny.
Now it's scabbing, I hate this part too!! it's so itchy, and it looks gross.
I can't wait till this part it over, I can't wait to wear cute crop tops to show off my tattoo!!!
This summer I'm gunna be practically naked showing it off lol
Toronto Ink is an AMAZING! tattoo shop, in the future all my tattoo are gunna be done by Mark Prata.
On to other news..my set only has 988 views

P.S If you havnt checked out my set ..goooo chheecckk it outt!!

Love CurLee
loving the tat

thanks guys!..ohh it hurt soo muchh..but it's almost done healing now