Sooo my favorite show is back, I'm ssoo happy. Bad Girls Clubs is like the most entertaining show i have watched in my whole life lol. ok mayb I'm over exaggerating, but i friggin love that show. its soo funny, and the fights are soo entertaining lol. I actally wanna be on that show sooo bad!! Can Canadians be on an American reality show?? if so I'm signing up rigt away!!!...Does anyone else watch Bad Girls Club?? Isn't it just AMAZING!! If you don't like it keep your ngative comments to yourself please and thnxx lol. Next on the we're (people in Toronto) are suppose to be getting a really bad snow storm tonight urghh..not excited. Very upset actually, I'm so tired of this snow business..i HATE snow. which you guys probably know by now since i complain about it in like every blog. lol Don't worry my complaining will soon be over, once spring comes. Nextt on th agenda, VALENTINES DAY
. this is the 1st year in my life that I've ever had a boyfriend. I'm really happy that I'm not going to be single on Valentines day..buutt it kinda sucks because my boyfriend lives an hour away, so I probably wont be able to see him..suucckkss..but we're probably gunna do our own thing on the weekend or something. I bought something super cute to wear to bed for valentines day.. I hope he likes it
..I'm excited. Nexxtt on the agenda..soo I was having sex with my boyfriend and while we were having sex he asked me if he could tape it. And I was all in the moment so I said yes. I SSOOO trust him .. but I'm still kinda scared about this can only see my ass..but still..i just hope he doesnt hate me one day and put it on the internet or something..i would DIE!!..newho thats all for now ttyl
ohh yess thanks for voting for my set!!! I REALLY appreciate it!!!
love CurLee
Sooo my favorite show is back, I'm ssoo happy. Bad Girls Clubs is like the most entertaining show i have watched in my whole life lol. ok mayb I'm over exaggerating, but i friggin love that show. its soo funny, and the fights are soo entertaining lol. I actally wanna be on that show sooo bad!! Can Canadians be on an American reality show?? if so I'm signing up rigt away!!!...Does anyone else watch Bad Girls Club?? Isn't it just AMAZING!! If you don't like it keep your ngative comments to yourself please and thnxx lol. Next on the we're (people in Toronto) are suppose to be getting a really bad snow storm tonight urghh..not excited. Very upset actually, I'm so tired of this snow business..i HATE snow. which you guys probably know by now since i complain about it in like every blog. lol Don't worry my complaining will soon be over, once spring comes. Nextt on th agenda, VALENTINES DAY

ohh yess thanks for voting for my set!!! I REALLY appreciate it!!!

love CurLee
YEAH!THE BAD GIRLS CLUB! I wish I had cable..
you can watch it online!