All Smiles
Sooo my last post was pretty depressing, I was definately going through a rough patch, buttt like all things, it came to an end, annddd now I'm happy
!!! lol . A lot of good things have happened, likeee I found a really good job, and pays really well too YAYY MEE!! lol, its not in my field, has nothing to do with fashion booo..but it pays amazing andd i like moneeyy lol who doesnt?? things are going amazing with my friends..I'm having a lot of fun enjoying my summer. My love life is just where i want it..not serious, super light and fun. I feel like im too young to be tied down..and I'm sooo happy he understands that. I think the only thing missing in my life right now is my baby love Cori
I miss her sooo much..if we were together my life would be complete!! I also just had a birthday Im getting I really hope i can stay 21 forever..its like the best age!! I didnt really do much just got really drunk and had a good time with my close friends. I also just completed another should be up like SUUPPEERR nervous about it tho. It was kinda rushed, and I'm not really confident about it, but i guess you guys will be the judge..i hope you guys like it a lot more than i do lol. Well thats what I've been up to ..drunk nights, still havnt left my shitty job, summer lovin, great friends, and a new thats it in a nut shell.
oh yea thanks to everyone for the encouraging words while i was really meant a guys are AMAZING!!
<3 CurLee

Sooo my last post was pretty depressing, I was definately going through a rough patch, buttt like all things, it came to an end, annddd now I'm happy

oh yea thanks to everyone for the encouraging words while i was really meant a guys are AMAZING!!
<3 CurLee
You can forget the numbers and just attach letters to 21 instead of counting
21a, 21b, 21c, ... LOL

lmaaooo Curious Tomcat thats the best idea i've everrrr heard!! thats exactly what I'm going to do!!..aww thanks Von i feel better already