24 hrss is NOT enough!!
So is there anyone else out there that thinks that 24 hrs is not enough hrs to have in one day. Like between going to school full time,working full time, doing an intership, anndd partyyinngg I have nooo time for myself, and noo time to do projects or homework. I feel like there is a need to be more hours in one day orrr I need to clone myself so i can get have enough time to get everything done, and on time! well thats my rant and rav.. now time to get back to my projects.
ps if anyone knows someone who can clone pplz get a hold of me ASAP!!
So is there anyone else out there that thinks that 24 hrs is not enough hrs to have in one day. Like between going to school full time,working full time, doing an intership, anndd partyyinngg I have nooo time for myself, and noo time to do projects or homework. I feel like there is a need to be more hours in one day orrr I need to clone myself so i can get have enough time to get everything done, and on time! well thats my rant and rav.. now time to get back to my projects.
ps if anyone knows someone who can clone pplz get a hold of me ASAP!!

Uhhh, hell no 24 hours is not enough sometimes. Trust me, I do understand, between my real job, my photography, my son, and my play time, there isnt enough time for me to get it all done. Here is the deal whom ever finds out the secret of how to clone, will have to let the other know, because I need my clone to go to work so I can afford to play! 

loll of course if I find someone who can clone ill for sure let you know!!