Apple created the "Need" to always have the newest smart phone on the market. People cue for days to get it!
Coltan is mined mostly in Congo and is needed for each new phone. 50% of the world production hails from this Country. Some of the miners would be to young to be admitted to primary school. Many die and are tossed away like cheap Tools.
Check the Amnesty International reports!
Do you really always need the newest phone on the market?
Modern smart phones have more processing power than was available to put a man on the moon. And all we do is to make selfies!
The cameras in those phones have a digital resolution which goes beyond their optical resolution which means that it is mostly useless aside from being able to brag about all your mega pixel.
Give your old phone to recycling for the metals to be reused and think about it next time if you really need that brand new phone.
Children die for selfies which are no better than those you made with the older phones. Break the hold of the Fashion. If the new Amnesty International report has an impact on sales the companies may find the time to look into the circumstances in the mines.
Fashion can be a killer. You may call it "ideath"