All right, from today on I do no longer have a guestroom.
I am now sharing the appartment. The deal is rea good for someone as lazy at housework as I am
I give the room in exchange for cleaning and got some African cooking promised as bonus today!
Actually we did the cleaning together
... I simply can not watch someone work and do nothing but I woud for sure not have done anything on my own
So I do profit!!!
It is strange of course as I have been living on my own since my divorce
and am simpy not used to have someone else in the house...
Edit: by the way... Where have my bookmarks gone????
I like the new design but am a little lost in it...

It is strange of course as I have been living on my own since my divorce

Edit: by the way... Where have my bookmarks gone????

and yay for african food! I had a dinner party yesterday and i have to say that it pays to have international friends
Sorry to hear that you have to live on your own ... my boy is going to newyork for only a few days and i'm already feeling lonely ...
maybe get a pet?