Things aren't so wonderful... but I'm hanging in there.
I dyed my hair back to black after I had bleached streaks into it and then the color sucked and didn't take right.
It was suppose to be a dark purple and it was this blue, green, and pinkish purple.. not cool since work threw a fit and I had to change it. So I had gone over it w/ reddish violet and that faded to a brown.. I don't like brown so I just dyed it back to black. I'm so pissed that I've just put my hair through hell to just have it back to the same color.. booo.. my poor fried hair.
Oh well.. shit happens.
So hopefully I'm getting a cell phone today.. woo.. *crosses fingers* If I have enough in my pay check to spare. I've been so broke it's so not kewl.
So anyways.. things have been hetic over here. I've finally decided to move back to SA indefinatly.
Matt is really bummed but he knows thinks aren't working out for us.
How are you guys?
- Kitty

I dyed my hair back to black after I had bleached streaks into it and then the color sucked and didn't take right.

Oh well.. shit happens.
So hopefully I'm getting a cell phone today.. woo.. *crosses fingers* If I have enough in my pay check to spare. I've been so broke it's so not kewl.

So anyways.. things have been hetic over here. I've finally decided to move back to SA indefinatly.

How are you guys?
- Kitty

Most cell phone places will just add the costs to your first bill, you shoulda got one a long time ago.Fuck work, dye that shit any way you want....

Port of the Cow - Used to drive thru there everyday for work.