Ahhhh! My ass is sore.. lol. I had done some lunges the nite before and then walked around the mall looking for girl dickies and all the stores had switched to these crappy stretch ones.. ugh. So I'm gonna have to buy them off the net prolly.. which sux, so I had to buy the stretch ones.. they're ok I guess, but no way better then the orignal ones. =/
Elvis has a rash.. I'm not sure where he got it from b/c we don't have it and he's always in the apartment. It can't be bug bites b/c then we would have them cuz he sleeps with us. My poor puppy.. I put some ointment and it seemed to help. Hope I can get it better.
Work in the gas station again today.. meh. It's easy but boring... oh well.. I just sit in the little glass room and sell gas.. haha.
- Kitty
Elvis has a rash.. I'm not sure where he got it from b/c we don't have it and he's always in the apartment. It can't be bug bites b/c then we would have them cuz he sleeps with us. My poor puppy.. I put some ointment and it seemed to help. Hope I can get it better.
Work in the gas station again today.. meh. It's easy but boring... oh well.. I just sit in the little glass room and sell gas.. haha.
- Kitty

so ... hope the pup gets better ....and umm ....well ...can't really join in the fashion stuff ...so ...YEAH!!!
have a good day ...
they could have bit your dogs blood and not yours maybe,they maybe liked him not u
hope you find out and he gets better
i also hate john kerry
i say george bush all the way
but others dont feel that way
so oh well
take care