So I've been feeling spiritual lately, and during the twilight hours of my waking/sleeping states I've come to question questioning. I found an easy answer, too. For me, to question something is to compare it against myself, which is the only thing that I truely know, or at least what I can control. Everything else in the world is beyond me, with exception of my physical body which is a mixture of the two. It is the combination point of me and everything else, through which I can sense by tasting, hearing, smelling the world; through which I can become, by consuming the world; through which I can change, through moving and interacting with the world. I can learn, too, but for who? For me, for my children, but we all die in the end? Some people say that their whole lives flash in front of their eyes right before they die. I said that before I died, but I just fell asleep. It was in my conscious state that I pried open my past. I wonder though, if this last sight is not for us, but for the level of consciousness that combines us all into humanities question. I'm lost on how to describe a visual analogy of my thoughts, but its something like comic book bubbles.

So this guy walks into a bar. Ouch!