I'm BACK, bitches.
Japan was Japan. I had some serious issues with my host family that were never resolved. My bedroom in their house is still filled with a lot of my crap. I wonder if they will send it to me or throw it out. They favored my host sister (she's from Hong Kong) waaaaay over me and were always giving her special treatment, which was so nice of them because every day I was there, it made me feel a little bit more inadequate.
I'm taking down my dating profile and I have become vehemently anti-dating again. Because I am tired of falling for people I can't have. There was a guy in my Japanese program (who isn't Japanese) that I was crazy over for the entire month, and I kind of let on the last day of the trip, but he is much younger than me and lives in Europe and needless to say, it wouldn't work out.
Well, that and the fact that after a month's worth of being told I am not a strong person and I wouldn't make a good wife by a host family from hell, my self esteem is at an all time low.
And my Japanese is even worse than it was when I got over there, because I am now afraid to speak it. Go figure.
I'm gonna go listen to Beat Space Nine again and have insane unrealistic fantasies about Verbal.
I got this from thurmis who got it from Oxalis.
1. First concert: Bob Dylan
2. First car: Chevy Blazer with NIN stickers all over the back
3. First real kiss: 12
4. First screen name: Deathani
5. First self purchased album: The Monkees Greatest Hits, on vinyl, I think I was 6.
6. First funeral: My cousin's grandfather when I was 10 or so.
7. First pet: A parakeet named Keet
8. First piercing/tattoos: First tattoo at 17.
9. First credit card: Second year of college, and was it ever a disaster.
10. First enemy: A girl named Ashley in 6th grade.
11. First big trip: Mexico at age 10
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Whip It by Devo
1. Last cigarette: Two days ago
3. Last kiss: Last month
4. Last good cry: Last week, drunk and on a bicycle
5. Last library book checked out: Underground by Murakami Haruki
6. Last movie seen in theatre: I really don't remember.
7. Last beverage drank: Orange juice on the plane
9. Last crush: Eric
10. Last phone call: My beloved luffable
12. Last shoes worn: The same Converse one stars I wore all month
13. Last item bought: A box of sandwiches on the Shinkansen
14. Last annoyance: Staying up for 24 hours straight, not by choice
15. Last time wanting to die: I always want to die, but I'm too much of a coward to do anything about it
16. Who are your best friends: Jon and Patti
1. Do you do drugs: If alcohol is a drug, yes
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Shiseido
3. What are you most scared of: Going deaf
4. Where do you want to get married: At Sanrio Puroland
5. What are you listening to right now: m-flo Beat Space Nine
6. How many buddies are online: Dunno
7. What would you change about yourself: I'd like to become a stupid, mean person, I hear they have wonderful lives
1. Colors: Red and black
2. Foods: Japanese, Korean
3. Girl names: Emyli, Yoshika, Sowelu
4. Boys names: Diggy
5. Subject in school: Art
6. Animals: Penguins and pandas
7. Sports: Sumo
8. Perfume: Hypnotic Poison
9. Cologne: No idea
10. Brunch place: Nookies II, I think it's called
1. Given anyone a bath: No
2. Smoked Cigs: Yes
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: No
5. Skinny dipped: No
6. Been in love: Kinda
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No
8. Pictured your crush naked: Kinda
9. Seen your crush naked: No
10. Cried when someone died: Yes
11. Lied: Yes
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Yes
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: No
16. Done something you regret: Yes
1. Clothes: Juicy t-shirt, huge black pants
2. Music: m-flo
3. Make-up: Nope
4. Annoyance: Everything
5. Smell: No, I shower
6. Favorite artist: Curiosity
8. Book you're reading: "Sore Inu" by Takemoto Novala
9. CD in player: m-flo Beat Space Nine
1. Understanding: Only of Japanese
2. Open-minded: Maybe
3. Arrogant: Yes
4. Insecure: Maybe
5. Interesting: Very
6. Hungry: Very
7. Smart: Life-ruiningly so
9. Hardworking: No
10. Organized: Not even
11. Healthy: No
12. Shy: Kinda
13. Attractive: Moderately
14. Bored easily: I have the attention span of...wait, is that a chicken?
15. Responsible: Kinda
16. Obsessed: Yes
17. Angry: Yes
18. Sad: Very
19. Disappointed: Extremely
20. Happy: Maybe
21. Hyper: No
23. Talkative: On occasion
1. Kill: Courtney Love
2. Get high with: Snoop Dogg
3. Talk to offline: Warren
1. In the morning I am: Sleeping
2. Love is: Non-existent
3. Music is: If you said m-flo Beat Space Nine.....
Japan was Japan. I had some serious issues with my host family that were never resolved. My bedroom in their house is still filled with a lot of my crap. I wonder if they will send it to me or throw it out. They favored my host sister (she's from Hong Kong) waaaaay over me and were always giving her special treatment, which was so nice of them because every day I was there, it made me feel a little bit more inadequate.
I'm taking down my dating profile and I have become vehemently anti-dating again. Because I am tired of falling for people I can't have. There was a guy in my Japanese program (who isn't Japanese) that I was crazy over for the entire month, and I kind of let on the last day of the trip, but he is much younger than me and lives in Europe and needless to say, it wouldn't work out.
Well, that and the fact that after a month's worth of being told I am not a strong person and I wouldn't make a good wife by a host family from hell, my self esteem is at an all time low.
And my Japanese is even worse than it was when I got over there, because I am now afraid to speak it. Go figure.
I'm gonna go listen to Beat Space Nine again and have insane unrealistic fantasies about Verbal.
I got this from thurmis who got it from Oxalis.
1. First concert: Bob Dylan
2. First car: Chevy Blazer with NIN stickers all over the back
3. First real kiss: 12
4. First screen name: Deathani
5. First self purchased album: The Monkees Greatest Hits, on vinyl, I think I was 6.
6. First funeral: My cousin's grandfather when I was 10 or so.
7. First pet: A parakeet named Keet
8. First piercing/tattoos: First tattoo at 17.
9. First credit card: Second year of college, and was it ever a disaster.
10. First enemy: A girl named Ashley in 6th grade.
11. First big trip: Mexico at age 10
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Whip It by Devo
1. Last cigarette: Two days ago
3. Last kiss: Last month
4. Last good cry: Last week, drunk and on a bicycle
5. Last library book checked out: Underground by Murakami Haruki
6. Last movie seen in theatre: I really don't remember.
7. Last beverage drank: Orange juice on the plane
9. Last crush: Eric
10. Last phone call: My beloved luffable
12. Last shoes worn: The same Converse one stars I wore all month
13. Last item bought: A box of sandwiches on the Shinkansen
14. Last annoyance: Staying up for 24 hours straight, not by choice
15. Last time wanting to die: I always want to die, but I'm too much of a coward to do anything about it
16. Who are your best friends: Jon and Patti
1. Do you do drugs: If alcohol is a drug, yes
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Shiseido
3. What are you most scared of: Going deaf
4. Where do you want to get married: At Sanrio Puroland
5. What are you listening to right now: m-flo Beat Space Nine
6. How many buddies are online: Dunno
7. What would you change about yourself: I'd like to become a stupid, mean person, I hear they have wonderful lives
1. Colors: Red and black
2. Foods: Japanese, Korean
3. Girl names: Emyli, Yoshika, Sowelu
4. Boys names: Diggy
5. Subject in school: Art
6. Animals: Penguins and pandas
7. Sports: Sumo
8. Perfume: Hypnotic Poison
9. Cologne: No idea
10. Brunch place: Nookies II, I think it's called
1. Given anyone a bath: No
2. Smoked Cigs: Yes
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: No
5. Skinny dipped: No
6. Been in love: Kinda
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No
8. Pictured your crush naked: Kinda
9. Seen your crush naked: No
10. Cried when someone died: Yes
11. Lied: Yes
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Yes
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: No
16. Done something you regret: Yes
1. Clothes: Juicy t-shirt, huge black pants
2. Music: m-flo
3. Make-up: Nope
4. Annoyance: Everything
5. Smell: No, I shower
6. Favorite artist: Curiosity
8. Book you're reading: "Sore Inu" by Takemoto Novala
9. CD in player: m-flo Beat Space Nine
1. Understanding: Only of Japanese
2. Open-minded: Maybe
3. Arrogant: Yes
4. Insecure: Maybe
5. Interesting: Very
6. Hungry: Very
7. Smart: Life-ruiningly so
9. Hardworking: No
10. Organized: Not even
11. Healthy: No
12. Shy: Kinda
13. Attractive: Moderately
14. Bored easily: I have the attention span of...wait, is that a chicken?
15. Responsible: Kinda
16. Obsessed: Yes
17. Angry: Yes
18. Sad: Very
19. Disappointed: Extremely
20. Happy: Maybe
21. Hyper: No
23. Talkative: On occasion
1. Kill: Courtney Love
2. Get high with: Snoop Dogg
3. Talk to offline: Warren
1. In the morning I am: Sleeping
2. Love is: Non-existent
3. Music is: If you said m-flo Beat Space Nine.....
DOn't worry about crushes, i get them all the time, you'll find the next person, and all you attention will focus - funny how that works.