Thursday Oct 20, 2005 Oct 20, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email 捱狟瓜伙扑旦及民弗永玄芺沶3呦噩曰引仄凶﹝ 芺沶寞反No.21卞卅曰引允﹝ 引凶芺沶寞午幫咥寞反唱卅曰引允及匹仍弇噩票今中﹝ VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS fred: Sounds kind of mysterious to me. I can't tell what you're talking about. Warts? Moles? Cold sore? Something worse? Ask the doctor anyway. You won't know until you ask. You can ask more doctors even if one doesn't do anything. Oct 20, 2005 frinky: Do you have an extra something, or too few of something? If the former, just wait until it goes away. If the latter, I'd definitely have it looked at. frinky Oct 20, 2005
Warts? Moles? Cold sore? Something worse?
Ask the doctor anyway. You won't know until you ask. You can ask more doctors even if one doesn't do anything.