Alright, so its the end of the week, time to party right? Hell no. Fuck school. I never thought taking a class called "Old English" would involve relearning EVERYTHING about grammar. Aparently it is not the shakespearen english...that my friend is "modern English" (ModE)....Old English is the stuff they spoke before England was even united under one flag. Interesting factoid tho, English does not come from latin (i am sure every one knows this and I am just displaying my ignorance) but it is Germanic, and from germanic came German and old english, and then from old english came ModE, and current english.....i am jsut a fucking history lesson. Its weird tho..some words, like and, to, him, & god are all the same...and some words are similar, like while is hwile. (no, i didnt mispell it). Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend (even tho this is never read)
Macian dryhtlic lufian me'. (Make magnificent love to me in OldE)
Macian dryhtlic lufian me'. (Make magnificent love to me in OldE)