-What do you consider love?
-When can it be considered love?
-Is love needed for a mere kiss?

Dreams Are Made of These

The night was cold.
The evening air pierced the frail window sealing
As I prepared to turn in for the night.
Thinking over what had happened that day,
Sleep wouldnt come easy,
But, I knew it would eventually.
There wasnt much to...
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Yes its does seem like a lot of money worth of clothes, but you see I have this slight obsession with cashmere, and cashmere isnt cheap. And yes, that would be a whole lot of socks.hehe
As for your questions, if it wernt time for me to leave work right now i would go into some deep rambeling about Love, but, well, maybe i will later wink
"At this writing, the world's greatest nation flails under the rule of buffoons and madmen, bogged down in two optional wars we're actually losing. The world's richest economy is shedding jobs, running up debts and building nothing for the future. Voters, offered an election year alternative to the subliterate idiot who single-handedly created this mess, spurn him for a leader even dumber than they are....
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good luck with your school work! Gosh, im glad im over with that stuff wink

And YES! it is horrible to have to scrape off 2 inches of ice every morning before I go to work. Thats why I HAVE to get my garage cleaned out soon!! mad
The night hath taken,
What i find most dear,
And planted it so softly,
So as i could not hear.

Tis a cold night my friends (i have no friends onhere, how sad is that?) So I must take up attendence my mien own bed, so cold and so dark. Why am I so poetic tongiht? O yea, becasue i have been doing everything BUT...
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Good afternoon,
I watched the last freddy kruger movie last night. They way they finally "killed" him (even tho hes not dead, because he came back for freddy verse jason) was a pussy ass way. They fucking blew him up with dynamite. So cutting his head off, or smashing him, or burning him, or dismembering never worked before? but now, u stick a cheap hand...
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Is there such things as to sensitive? Should we ignore what really hurts? You're taking what I'm not giving, It's always the stupid things that seem to hurt us. But can you see it in my eyes? When you walked away and stabbed me in the back.
But please don't tell me no more lies, And I can see it in your eyes, When you...
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i did the whole "trying ti find a meaning in life" for years. Then one day i just woke up and decided to not take life so seriously. I've been much happier since wink
maybe that is the meaning of life. By george, I think you have discovered it!
Alright, so its the end of the week, time to party right? Hell no. Fuck school. I never thought taking a class called "Old English" would involve relearning EVERYTHING about grammar. Aparently it is not the shakespearen english...that my friend is "modern English" (ModE)....Old English is the stuff they spoke before England was even united under one flag. Interesting factoid tho, English does not come...
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Allright, so question: Can one be certain that nothing is certain? by merely saying you are certain of it, you destroy the fact that you are certain of, that there is nothing certain. Philosophy will rot your brains kids, dont do it. Now, alcohol and cigarettes I wholly stand behind, it is the only thing getting me through college.


You know, i was reading...
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I'm pretty sure just about everyone on here appreciates the beauty of the SG girls, I mean honestly how could you not? wink
very true, but you must admit, there are some who dont, and jsut want to get their jollies.
So this is my first entry. How about some who I am information! I joined SG because the girls here rock. I'm going to school in Carbondale IL, at SIUC. I am studying English: Poetry, and Philosophy, and if my head doesnt explode, i willbe around for a while. I really cant think of much more about me..ask if you want to know I suppose....
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