Finals week...training in sleep deprevation for when i go to gradschool...if i ever get there. Anyway, i dont update enough, mostly becasue i lead the most borin glife, cigarettes and classes. SOmeone make my life more interesting. If you are ever in the southern illinois area, come save me from boredum, and its ensuing depression. Anyway, heres a poem i just added to my website....
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Hello there! Just thought i'd drop by and say hello!

Hope you have a good weekend....and um, get some sleep!

Madness - My Girl Lyrics

My girl's mad at me
I didn't wanna see the film tonight
I found it hard to say
She thought I'd had enough of her
Why can't she see
She's lovely to me?
But I like to stay in
And watch t.v. on my own
Every now and then
My girl's mad at me
Been on the telephone for an...
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This post is for miz Pixel dust.
On her most reacent post, she talks of what the I is...got me thinking, and eventually got me on the topic of 'god'. so here is a little spleal of my philosophy, influenced greatly by Freidrich Nietzsche.
Nothing has purpose unless we give it purpose, for example, the purpose of a printer is to print documents, why does...
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Fantastic. I was hoping to hear others opinions after I wrote that. I had a feeling yours would be the most introspective. blush

Pixel likes Food for Thought. I agree with a lot of what you have said.
Hello hello,
Well, its thanksgiving break time, and well, i am sitting at home doingabsolutly nothing. i kind of miss class...only 2 more weeks starting monday. Kinda sad tho cause i really like school. I tore apart the inside of my car yesterday...had teh seats out, and the center console thingy out...i now know why rednecks put car seats int eh yard..they are very confortable...
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O man, its been forever since an update, so heres one..but it iwll probably be short, sorry. I have been hella busy writing a paper for philosophy....its killing me....I never thought 15 pages could be so hard. Anyway, everyone go to Sorryeverybody.com and click ont he gallery...it shows how most of the US feels. So if any one wants to check out my horrenduce poetry...
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It has been forever since you updated!

And its been forever since i've left comments frown

: Bad Pixel :

That sounds like a really annoying paper to write. It's probably fun for you, but i get so stressed when it comes to things like that!
Thanks for that link. I just added it to my faves.
So update time. I dont update nearly enough.
I am sitting here watching the elections on the TV...and it just seems odd that such a turd sandwhich can be winning.....I know, Kerry may be a douche bag,,,but at least a Douche is clean.*sigh* i'll jsut keep my fingers crossed.
other news....Ummm...o, thursday friday and saturday we are having a Literary festival at school that i...
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Hmmm....Its been awhile. If anyone cares i will let you know where i have been. Mostly homework...I have a 15 page philosophy of mind paper coming due soon, so i have been burying my nose int eh books. I have also been working on some of my poetry. I might post the one i jsut "finished" (in quotes becasue a poem is never truly finished)...
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Awe, thanks blush

And, That is a creppy and fantastic poem. wink
Ah, today was much better.
-dropped a class i was doing horribly in, but the teacher was really cool about it.
-Got my schedual set up for next semester
-added Philosophy as my second major
-got schedualed for summer classes.
-ate a really really good sandwhich...very simple ham and cheese..but it was really good.

hmmm..new news.....cant really think of any. I got a shit load...
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I got up last night at 3 am and ate some left over feta pizza and drank a ton of water then went back to sleep for 3 hours....I thought for sure i'd wake up feeling wonderful, but i was wrong. Now im sitting here at work unable to do anything about it expect drink tons of water and coffee surreal

Thats a crazy story about your teacher.....And that was stupid of that kid to get so high that he couldnt even go to class... ooo aaa
Bad Bad day.

I dont know why, but today sucked...like, I know what happened, but i dont know why it happened all of a sudden. The weekend was amazing. I went home, Saw my girlfriend (she lives back in my hometown), had a bitchin good time. Then i get back here, in carbondale, about 10:30 last night....did some piddling around here, went to bed, and...
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The world is round, so what goes around comes around.

That reminds me of a passage in my favorite book of all time, Jitterbug Perfume, where Algbor the Great sings the world is round-o round-o over and over

Your day sounded terrible. But I had to chuckle when you said your car alarm went off and you didnt even know you had one (sorry!). So your roomies woman wants a $3000.00 ring eh? Thats pretty freakin expensive. Imagine all the places they could go with that moneyIf I was her I would get a simple cheap ring and tell him to take me to Italyand then spend a romantic week drinking wineand eating yummy pasta.but thats just me smile

Ummmpasta im hungry now.....
HA! I have another friend. Thank you pixel_dust. You rock.

other news: I'm not dead fromt eh cold yet, i think i jsut might survive it. I'm running out of cigarettes and money...not a good thing. It really saddens me when i have no cigarettes, which i should be smoking when i am sick anyway, but a habbit is a habbit. hmm, dont really...
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It's good to hear you are getting better and not worse!

ARRR!!! Theres some kind of obsession with pirates on here..I havent quite figured it out myself
ah, its been a while, although i am sure no one noticed. I have been sick as a dog. missed class monday and today, cant complain to much, but i will when i get the make up work. So, i will keep this short, becasue i have a poem to write. A friend and myself are currently tinkering with the idea of a beer bong...
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ah ha, so that's that that means....thanks wink
I've seen a lot of people say bad things about so called "scene people".....

Well, i hope your feeling better, and the beer bong sounds fantastic.
I have a friend now! go me!

-shopping for food
-Revise a poem
-Read some philosophy
-no work (fuck yes)

I was supposed to work last night from 5-11..i went in early at 3 to help becasue we had some big corparate guy coming in....so taht was fine...but i didnt get to leave until fuckin 1 am....i'm not even a manager...I should be.,...but...
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