As financial situations are becoming to much, I must bid a fond farewell to this site.
frown sorry to see you go. I'll miss your poems and more intellectual updates. kiss
Alright, so I am still alive, but barely....so much fucking shit to do before schools over. I mean, there is 1 day left of classes, but finals are next week, and I have papers to do, and people to find so I dont loose contact durring break. So much....

Pixel_dust liked my new profile picture...I call it "impending doom"

So this summer, my room amte...
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thank you for the lovely comment on my set biggrin xoxox tongue
Yesh indeed i like the new pic. It remindes me of a horror flick. biggrin

I can understand why your girlfriend might be a bit disturbed about a girl being your roomie... blackeyed
Alright, since iw ont be able to update this weekend, here is a synapsis:
Friday-class till 12, homework and clean the apartment all day and night,
saturday wake up aty my leisure, do homework, go to a show featuring the motha fuckin timmys. After show, party with the timmys, and then they will crash here along with my friend joseph.
sunday-wake up after near...
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I actually stayed at The Westin when i was in Grand Cayman. And yeah, swimming with the sting rays was so amazing!!

haha, great poem...i was like woah at first, then i got to the bottom line...funny... tongue

I like your new profile picture. wink
and it is a new day.

I had two comments from two lovely ladies, starr and dylan, both of which are now in my favorites. I really need to get off my ass and start updating more, but for right now, I will nap.
I do believe it is time for an update yet again.

3 weeks left in the semester, and I am going nuts. 45 pages worth of papers to write ranging from the meaning of poetry to the concept of goodness from Thales through Aristotle. sounds fun right?

I might acctually go to a show friday *gasp* but i dont know, I have alot of work...
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Thank you for commenting on my set smile
Aww thanks honey smile
I figure its time I get off my sorry ass and update. So whats going on in my world my non existant reader may ask? Well, School is whipping my ass, and I am working overnights at Walgreens still (I cnat wait to quit durring summer). So my schedual goes something liek this: 10 pm: Wake up, 11 pm: start work, 8 am: get off...
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This is how I feel:

"Better Off Dead"
-bad religion-
I'm sorry about the sun,
how could I know that you'd burn?,
and I'm sorry about the moon,
how could I know that you'd disapproved,
I'll never make the same mistake,
the next time I create the universe
I'll make sure we communicate at length
but until then . . . better off dead,
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So i think I am going to shut this down, I dont update enough for my 9 dollars a month..hey, thats 2 packs of cigarettes. Its sad that I measure money in how many cigarettes I can get with it. So i have been looking for gradschools. Its friggin hard. I am looking at: Staying here at SIU...we have a damn good MFA in...
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I guess its about time I updated. I was home for a month so I did little up dating, and then got back to school, and the homework poured in. I planned on doing some drinking this weekend, but due to the wonders of the flu, I was stuck in my room reading 200+ pages for homework. I still have to write 2 poems...
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ooo I like Antigone which version are you reading? The origional or one of the weird twisted translations? My prof gave us all different translations once in which we had to write about and I got this shitty translation that they guy must have been high while writing. Good luck finding a new place to live smile
A Bills fan from IL?? You should be glad you don't live here 3 feet of snow sucks. Yay Pats!! And beards suck. Trist me form a girls point of view they stick you and scrape you and tickle your nose when kissing. Not fun. miao!!
Must one be in a state of "being lost" in oder to be found? Or is to be found just a figment of our imagination, and to reach it, we must first make teh illusion of loosing our self?

New day, new year. Dont know if anything will change tho. I might be living alone next semester, which starts in 8 days. My room mate...
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Some one love me?

But really, what is love? I suppose it is to great a sacrifice to ask somoene to love me.

Have you ever had someone that is like that unfinished poem that is sitting in the bottom of your underware drawer? No matter how hard you try, that poem will never have an end, but it will come up to love you,...
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Ah, i havent been to active on here lately either. (for me atleast)

What is love. I've pondered that idea at times before too. Then i ignore myself because it makes me depressed when i think too much about things like that. whatever

Hope you have a fantastic New Years if i dont talk to you before then! kiss
Get some sleep i did..i slept from about friday mid afternoon to saturday night. Twas nice.
So saturday night this girl i know came over with 2 friends. One i knew from last year, but she moved to florida for this semester to do some internship, and the other girl i hjad met once, but didnt really know. We all (including my room mate) watched...
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