Hey hey hey guess who's a month old today - our lil buggie turned 1 month old today - it seems like only yesterday that I was pushing her out of me - I kinda miss all the attention we got in the hospital - but I don't miss the pain from the contractions.
they fucking hurt - my new hero is the guy who did my epidural. forgot his name but we'll just call him Dr. Feelgood- I do remember the name of the OB though - I mean how can one forget someone with the name of Dr Brest - he's going to be delivering my cousins baby . After the epidural kicked in he was known as Dr. Boobs to me. My mom almost made me piss the bed when she was all like with the perfession he has you'd think his name would be Dr. Vagina. This was said while my cousins were visitng. Still can't believe that came out of her mouth.
Epidurals r the shit. Talk about fucking someone up- I was seeing Hello Kitty on the ceiling right it was time to push - I was also seeing a face in one of the lights - all I remember was it had on an oriental looking kind of mask. I remembering telling my husband n my mom about before I asked for some more ice chips - which I wasn't able to get enough off. It was like they were going out of style. One of the intern docs predicted that she was going to be coming right before lunch and sure enough she was right - n I was all about getting her out before lunch since I was starving - I wanted a milkshake - n a burger then changed my mind and wanted some icecream from MaggieMoo's one of my fav icecream joints. Childbirth is one hell of an experience- but it's worth it and I didn't shit myself during labor like some do - that was one of my biggest fears . Pooping during labor.
took that yesterday while she was testing out her swing for the first time - so far she loves it.

Epidurals r the shit. Talk about fucking someone up- I was seeing Hello Kitty on the ceiling right it was time to push - I was also seeing a face in one of the lights - all I remember was it had on an oriental looking kind of mask. I remembering telling my husband n my mom about before I asked for some more ice chips - which I wasn't able to get enough off. It was like they were going out of style. One of the intern docs predicted that she was going to be coming right before lunch and sure enough she was right - n I was all about getting her out before lunch since I was starving - I wanted a milkshake - n a burger then changed my mind and wanted some icecream from MaggieMoo's one of my fav icecream joints. Childbirth is one hell of an experience- but it's worth it and I didn't shit myself during labor like some do - that was one of my biggest fears . Pooping during labor.

I'm very happy for you. You are going to be a great mommy I can tell.
took this last night