So I just got out on Monday from being in the hospital for 5 days- was admitted last wed after my OB visit due to my sugar levels being real high
not only where they high my urine test came back real shitty- had a lot of crap in it as well as some blood- so I was given some meds for a UTI- while I was in the hosp I was put on a new insulin that I have to take before meals and my other one was uped a dosage- was also on fetal monitor at different times of the day and my sugars were tested an hr after my meals - so a lot of needles and finger pricks- here's the shitty part of my stay- an old shoulder injury started to act up big time last thurs - the pain level was way over a 10 - got a real bad pinched nerve in my right shoulder so the use of my right arm has been limited - they were nice enough to issue me some percocets
- one or two every 4 hrs. what a happy lil pill. I was in la la land- my hubbie came to see me on last thurs took one look at me and was like u r fucked up LOL - I totally was LOL and lovin it - oh almost forgot to add that my room didn't have a shower curtin so showering was pretty interesting- I was a lil sad to leave since there went my supply of pain meds - ended up goin to the ER on Wed cause my shoulder was really killin me and they wrote me a script for some percs- so I am once again happy and somewhat pain free - me n baby are doing good - so are my sugars n I lost a pound