had my 31 wk ultrasound today since of my GD so they have to see how big lil Saoirse is getting - starting weekly non-stress tests next Tues - Anywho her she is - she had her arm or hand in front of her mouth - but we are in love with the pic since it's 3D/ 4D and seeing her face like that on the screen for the first time WOW !!!!! It was sooo kewl - I almost cried - I had no clue that we were going to get to see her like that - thought it was just going to be a reg ultrasound - made today real special since it was the settlement on our house day and we move in on Fri- the real estate agent is such a sweetie got us a real cute pooh bag filled with pooh stuff- baby's 1st pooh bear that rattles- pooh wash cloths- a real cute pink outfit with pooh on it - a pooh plate for when she starts eatting in her high chair and a memory pillow u know that u put her name , birthday and all that other stuff on - she even got my parents a 75 dollar gift certificate to go out for dinner or lunch


Glad to hear you're doing well!!